Ripped in 30 DVD

Hi Everyone,

Would like a bit of advice about the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD. I have been doing some fitness for a while, 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat, No more trouble zones etc.

I have started Ripped in 30 and I found week 1 OK, I have done it twice. I can do all the exercises, of course I am out of breath and sweaty but I CAN DO IT all. The only thing I can't do the tough version is the push up's - I have to do them on my knees.

Do I need to stay on week 1 until I can do all the push up's military style or would you recommend I move on to week 2?

Really simple and quick question, I tried to find something on the threads but couldn't find anything on this.

Also, I was thinking of doing Ripped in 30 in the mornings and then in an evening do 6 week 6 pack - I can only really fit in 30-40 minute sessions, due to child care, working etc so I think I can get in 2 30 minute sessions. Is it a bad idea to do these two DVD's together? Are they too similar in their approach and I should mix it up with a different type of exercise? I really have to do things that are at home as my kid is in bed so I can't leave the house!

Advise welcome!



  • adora85
    adora85 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Fruitsalad,

    I am currently on Ripped on 30 Level four and I moved on before I could do every advanced version of the exercises. My philosophy with it, was that it was for Advanced Exercisers. You can see the crazy good shape Basheera is in and trust me, she REALLY struggles with the advanced moves on weeks 3 and 4. I would recommend moving on when you are comfortable. At this point I can do half of the advanced exercises (mostly the cardio and ab moves).

    I think you will spend the most time on level 3 which in my opinion, and I think alot of people that have done it will agree, is the hardest out of all the levels on the DVD. The cardio is a beast and the third strength circuit is all shoulder/triceps. The first three or four times I did circuit three I had to stop, because my triceps/shoulders stopped working and were VERY painful.

    That being said, level four is a challenge, (it seems like the cardio is harder. She literally, and I quote Jillian, goes "crazy psycho" on you at one point (crazy psycho involves burpees and scissor kicks).... Do what you can do. Just dont quit.

    And honestly, your muscles are going to be really fatigued. If you want to do two workouts a day, your second should be pure cardio. The last thing you want to do is overwork/injure your muscles so that you cant workout.
  • Maggies90
    Maggies90 Posts: 27 Member
    I say you just go at your own pace, whatever you are comfortable with. I never completed the 4 levels (only have done level 1-3) but the first time i did each level for 2 weeks. Second time around i did them each for 5 days (I was looking for a quick fix) and got great results both times. Just be careful because i did hurt myself a few time trying to push myself too hard -__-
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    Thank you!! Think I will do week 1 once more tomorrow and ten move onto week 2, love a challenge! I'm pushing a bit hard at the moment because my wedding is coming up and I want to look fab! Need to get to the tricep section pronto! Serious flabby arm syndrome!!
  • OhSayNow
    OhSayNow Posts: 26 Member
    I just started level three of Ripped in 30...oy, Adora is right about the shoulders/triceps, they are killer. I did level one and level two for about 10 days each. When I moved on I was still modifying some of the moves (mostly the pushup type), but felt ready to move on. I have also found that the first few days on a level I use lower weights, then move to a combination of weights, depending on the move, and by the end of my 10 days I am up to my higher weights. Good luck!
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    Do you mind if I ask what sort of range of weight you use? I use 1kg as my light weight and 2kg as my heavy.

  • OhSayNow
    OhSayNow Posts: 26 Member
    I have been using mostly 5lbs with the occasional 3lb as my lighter weight, with 8lbs as my heavier. I would work with what feels right for you. If I find I am moving easily through a weight move with no 'burn' I know it is time to move up...If I can barley make it through three consecutive reps of a move I know I have pushed my weight a bit to far.
  • adora85
    adora85 Posts: 33 Member
    I definitely second what "OhSayNow" cited with the weight sizes. I don't know kg (embarrassingly), but I use three, fives, and eight pounders as well. Jillian sells a weight set with 3, 5, and 8s so I just mimicked that.

    But its pretty clear that the "dancers" as she calls them, uses 3 pound weights in the DVD.
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks again ladies!! I had to look it up, 1kg is 2.2lbs so my 1, 2 and 3kgs (when I get to 3!) are a bit lighter than your 3, 5 and 8's. Perfect! I'll get on it! Didn't do it this morning as had an awful night but will be doing it tonight!!
  • bigtummymommy
    How is it going for you, Fruitsalad? Have you noticed any results?
    I've just started and can't wait to see if I look leaner or feel fitter in a month!