Should i replace refined carbs with fruit?

I want to reduce carbs yet as I am a student always fail as I have a lot of exams and low carb leaves me with little energy.
I want to slowly reduce them and after my exams in May, go low carb (I am skinny fat and hold weight in my thighs)
Would replacing bread with fruit help?

A typical day would be

Breakfast: one scrambled egg, ham & a slice of bread
Snack: Greek yoghurt with blueberries
Lunch: use lettuce as a wrap, add chicken paprika & cucumber.
Snacks: a handful of a nut mix & 1/2 a banana/an apple if exercising that day
Dinner: chicken/lean mince with wholewheat pasta & veg

Eating around 1200- 1400 calories a day.

Will this help me lose fat? I'm hoping to reduce carbs in general but rely on healthy ones first then reduce, so I've cut out chocolate & lots of bread.


  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Why do you want to eat low carb?

    Replacing refined carbs with whole fruit is an excellent idea for the added micronutrients, but not as a method for reducing the number of carbohydrates you eat.

    As far as loosing fat, eating a calorie deficit is going to get you there whether you eat low carb or not.
  • Msdwyer17
    Msdwyer17 Posts: 18
    I am small but hold excess fat in the things and have read this is often due to carb/sugar storage.
  • Msdwyer17
    Msdwyer17 Posts: 18
    And I know but it's likely that when I do reduce my carbs it will be easier if I've transitioned off grains and into mainly fruit
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    "Excess fat" is stored based on your genetics and gender, not your diet. If you want to lose the fat in your thighs, you need to lower your BF% until it comes off there.