Tired of feeling bad and need support to start to feel good!

I am looking for some people to help keep me motivated and who I can lend support to as well. I am tired of how I look and feel affecting how I live my life. I have two kids and a great husband and I want to enjoy them. I am starting a food diary and I am have the Wii Fitt and I just purchased EA Active. This time I am excited to lose the weight, but I know I need outside support.


  • mismgl83
    mismgl83 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome adn good luck! MFP has been a great tool for me to keep motivated. I got to the same point where I was just tired of being unhappy with the way I looked, feeling unhealthy and unable to fit into my clothes. Now, almost 5 months later and 15lbs lighter, I feel great! I haven't reached my goal yet but I like how I feel. Its hard at first because the weight usually comes off slow but in the end its worth it.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • ImCeltic
    ImCeltic Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have found so much support here and it is making it a wonderful experience. Some of the best advice I found here that has really helped me was to always be kind to yourself and encourage yourself the same way you would encourage a good friend, to stop the negative self-talk. You've done the important first step and you can keep doing the rest!