Need VEGAN friends!

Hello! After reading "The Kind Diet" I'm officially starting my vegan lifestyle. I am still "flirting" with the idea...but I have officially giving up meat and dairy. Please help b/c I'd love to see what you all eat in a day, so I can adopt some of your lifestyle changes!!!!


  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I'm vegan... feel free to friend me. My diary isn't the best as I tend not to log on weekends and during the weekdays I tend to eat processed food since I work at a grocery store/health food store. But I'm happy to be supportive and answer questions you might have.
  • SlightlyMadman
    SlightlyMadman Posts: 35 Member
    I've been vegan for about 10 years now, and am just starting out here on MFP. I lost so much weight when I went vegan that I figured I didn't need to care about what I eat. That was true when I was in my 20s but as soon as I hit 30 I blew up. I'm probably a great example of how a sedentary lifestyle can result in rapid weight gain even when you're cook all your meals and eat the healthiest foods.

    I could certainly use some support as well, as I'm 8 days in and so far I'm still gaining weight.
  • Anilynlm
    Anilynlm Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I limit my dairy. I shouldn't eat it at all since I have a sensitivity, but it's a work in progress for me. I avoid eggs in their true form, but I don't always rule out a product if egg is in the ingredients list.

    Anyway, all of that to say I'm not vegan so my diary might not give you tons of ideas but feel free to add me if you like.
  • LoLizGreat
    LoLizGreat Posts: 3 Member
    SlightlyMadman Keep at it! i have been vegan for just over 2 years. I lost 40 pounds the first year then found vegan junk food and weight stopped. I have been on MFP for a 20 days. I have lost 7 lbs. i like to look up foods before i pick so i can get the most food for as little calories. this week i started doing a meal plan that focuses on whole food plant based (WFPB) I am feeling better already and even tempted to stop biting my nails :O)