How much should I be eating

anask4 Posts: 86 Member
Over the past year I have lost around 58 lbs. My weight loss goal was and still is set to lose 2 lbs a week. I am a 5'6" 19 year old male. I weigh about 131 lbs right now. I have come to realize that I wasnt eating nearly enough food and have probably lost a decent amount of muscle during my journey. My current calorie goal is set to 1480, but I usually eat around 1200 a day. However, I do make sure to get upwards of 100 g of protein a day and have a weekly cheat day.

I have a pretty good amount of body fat (dont know the actual percentage), mostly on my stomach and lower back. The rest of me is probably too thin, especially my forearms/wrists. My best course of action is probably heavy lifting to get rid of the fat because I dont think it would be wise to drop my weight below 130. I am pretty active, as I have college classes and a job 5 days a week for most of the day and do a lot of walking. I only get to go to the gym twice a week but will start going a lot more after classes end in two weeks. How many calories should I be eating daily and how should I build up to eating that amount? Also, what should I set my macros to? Their currently 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats. I want to prioritize building muscle while burning fat.
