New and with a question

Hi I am new to this app but I have a question I box monday through thursday. I run mon and wednesdays days before boxing and strength train tuesday and thursday before boxing. On the bar of calorie goal and calorie remaining is somewhat confusing me. Why is my calories left way more than my calorie goal im confused lol my goal it made was 1460 then says remaining 1479. how does this work plz help


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    When you log exercise MFP credits you with calories to fuel your workouts. It is intended that you eat these back because there is already a deficit calculated into you 1460 goal, meaning you would lose weight even if you don't exercise.
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    Oh ok so if im understanding I would have to eat back the calories remaining to balance my workout and my food intake???
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    Like for example my goal is 1460 food intake for the day was 1690 and I burned Over 1000 calories today and then -19 net what ever that means.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If your goal is 1460 and you burn 1000, you should eat 2460 calories. You would still be in deficit for the day and on track to meet your weight loss goal. Your NET calories at the end of each day should be near 1460.

    Also be mindful of how you are calculating exercise burns though - MFP estimates and cardio machine estimates can be a bit high. Do you use a heart rate monitor? Having said that, on days when you are running and boxing it is entirely possible that you are burning over 1000 cals.
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    I think I am going to buy those watches that counts calories because for boxing every app shows different numbers
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    Ok I think I corrected it says I burned 1036 with strength and boxing sounds about right thank you so much for clearing this up for me