Any OA Memebers


I am looking for friends for support that are OA members. I recently joined and looking for some fellow friends. I do not have a sponsor yet.

Add me as a friend if your a OA member please.


  • alisoncalderone1
    alisoncalderone1 Posts: 5 Member
    Are you still around? If so, feel free to add me!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    lol, isn't it supposed to be "anonymous"?
  • Phyylote
    Phyylote Posts: 2
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    lol, isn't it supposed to be "anonymous"?

    Sort of. But not how you're thinking. Anonymity is outlined in the Traditions to mean two things:

    -That in regard to our OA membership we should not use our last names outside the fellowship.
    -That we do not divulge to people outside the fellowship who ELSE is an OA member. You can "break" someone's anonymity by telling an "outsider" who you met in a meeting. Everyone has a reasonable expectation that their membership in OA won't be divulged to folks outside of OA.

    We are not anonymous with each other. Within OA, we are a fellowship - much like an extended family.

    Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of O.A. It disciplines the Fellowship to govern itself by principles rather than personalities. We are a society of peers. We strive to make known our program of recovery, not individuals who participate in the program.
  • 1piewacket
    1piewacket Posts: 4 Member
    I've just begun attending OA meetings (by phone because there are few meetings in my area). Any other OA members, please feel free to add me as well.