Ready to get my body back!

I just had my sweet and final 4th child and I'm ready to get my body back. I've been pregnant for most of the last 7 years. I've always kept at least 10 lbs with each pregnancy and I want to get back to where I started 7 years ago. I'm 5'4" and I'm 170. I'd like to get down to 130 but would be happy at 140. I am still breastfeeding and am 8 weeks pp but I'm already frustrated. ( I know it takes 9 months to put on). I eat healthy and have started working out like crazy and have seen minimal results. Just thought other mothers could relate.


  • Lyla04
    Lyla04 Posts: 1
    Hi there Mother of 4! Well we have a couple of things in common! We each have 4 kids and we can’t seem to “beat” this “fat” off of US! Rest assure you are NOT alone in this battle. I’m not sure if you’re new to myfitnesspal, but I have used this in the past and it worked well, it helped to keep me accountable! In fact I’m starting again today w/my journey. I’m 5’2’’ and weigh 157 lbs! Looking back at my history on here, 2 years ago (today in fact) I was 29 lbs lighter! I’m not sure how I ended up in this boat again. But let’s get going! =-)
  • Hi. This is my first time using and I do think it's great. With kids I usually have bite of their Mac and cheese or finish their pb&j but now I realize every calorie counts. Hoping this will help me stay motivated. Glad I'm not alone
  • AHealthyMe1lbAtATime
    AHealthyMe1lbAtATime Posts: 188 Member
    I'm only a mother of two, but I know exactly how you feel. Have been back at it for about 8 weeks and have been plateaued for 4 of them. So frustrating being a woman! Feel free to add me if you like! :)
  • TurquoiseViolet
    TurquoiseViolet Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! I am just getting started too - my baby is 9 months and I have been maintaining for that long, but I am ready to lose.
    Trying to balance healthier eating with a more active lifestyle while maintaining my milk supply.
  • I gained about 20lbs w this pregnancy and still have 6 more to lose but I was over weight to start so I have much more to lose. Any tips are appreciated.
  • kates217
    kates217 Posts: 3
    I am 37 years old, I have one wonderful boy, with one man we were together 13 years. I am now living with a man and been together for three years. The thing is i am scared about it having another child, and being the only parent to care for it. I love the man i am with but he works long hours and is gone for weeks at a time. one day i was browsing on the internet i saw on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye), testimony saying that he help people who can’t get pregnant, and people that don’t have any child that are looking for, i quickly took his email and contact him for help after doing what he ask me to do things change and that day i got my self back again and i was having enough power and every thing went through. So i contact my friend that live in NYC she has be married for 12 years but no child, to my best surprise my friend that was childless for the past 12 years was pregnant oh my God with oduduwa all thing are possible
  • kates217
    kates217 Posts: 3
    when i first got married every body in my husband life love me but after five years they turn against me because i was unable to bear children and one faithful day i discover a testimony through the internet and now i am happy because the email address i found the man who owns it help me for good and now am eight months pregnant and i know i am going going to give birth because he told me that antelope give birth without losing a child on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye) God did so that He will be glorified.
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me for motivation! I log daily!!!