Cooking for calories and low carbs?

rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
Hello! So I have been at this (healthier lifestyle, calories, smaller portions and all that) for a good month now and I am having a pretty good time with my success. Down 20 pounds exactly, woo!
Having seen me do this has motivated my partner as well, but she says she has always seen her success with Keto, a form of low-carb eating. She had lost a good amount of weight this way until we met 2 years ago, and I was a terrible influence on her. I love carbs (luckily now I just know how to use them).

On to the question! I know I can't be the only one here, with this sort of thing. Does anyone have any ideas for delicious low calorie AND low carb meals? Cooking wasn't my specialty until recently - let alone for 2 different lifestyles! Maybe it was just me, but when I tried Keto with her a while back everything we made was higher calorie (bacon, cheese, etc) but perfect for carbs.

Any ideas, anyone? Thanks!


  • mskraemerspeech
    mskraemerspeech Posts: 32 Member
    Shrimp! Season/marinate it throw it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. This eliminates the need for oil in a pan, but still makes it delicious! Or grill it if you have that option. I've been doing a tblspoon of BBQ sauce, paprika, garlic powder. Add it too a spinach salad or with a low carb wrap!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    One reason for the cheese and bacon to be high in calories is the fat content. If you are looking to reduce cals in low carb foods you need to look for lower fat versions.

    One substitute I absolutely love is Fat Free Greek Yogurt (PLAIN) instead of sour cream.

    Shrimp! Season/marinate it throw it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. This eliminates the need for oil in a pan, but still makes it delicious! Or grill it if you have that option. I've been doing a tblspoon of BBQ sauce, paprika, garlic powder. Add it too a spinach salad or with a low carb wrap!

    I agree. Do you like seafood? Pretty much any seafood (mercury levels and other additives not withstanding) is a great source of protein, omega 3 fats and zero carbs. There are so many alternative ways to prepare and cook it as well for variations of the same foods over and over.

    As for sides, just about any vegetable works.
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I love seafood personally, but she is iffy to try. Maybe I can sneak it past with some of that marinade. Sounds great.