Binge/Restrict it too late?

Hi everyone. So the past few weeks I've been on a bad binge/restrict cycle where I can eat as much as 1200 cals over my daily allowance and then restrict the next day which just leads to another binge. I've decided today to count last nights binge as yesterdays calories rather than todays, so that I can start fresh. The thing is, I know I've quite possibly ruined some of my progress I've made the past few months. My worry is that I won't be able to start seeing progress soon and I'm a naturally impatient person which just makes this worse. I was wondering if anyone who's had this problem and overcame it could tell me how long it took for them to start noticing the changes once they stopped restricting/binging?


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    This type of plan would give me a head and *kitten* ache at the same time. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, start now by doing it the correct way. Please invest some time in reading this thread:
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I think if you want to stop the binge/restrict cycle, you need to figure out why you do that. You may need professional help for it.

    But….when you say 1200 cals over your allowance, what is your allowance? If you allowance is only 1200….no wonder you are binging…your body is HUNGRY. I eat 2200 cals a day and I'm cutting. If I ate 3400 cals in a day ( and I have before), I wouldn't consider that a binge at all. And I sure as hell wouldn't try to make up for it the next day by restricting. So…I guess my point is…the issue you have may be more with your relationship with food/diet rather than self control.
  • fragole
    fragole Posts: 1
    yes this is my prob too. I do really well,lose a few pounds and think I can ease up to reward myself. I end up eating way too much and it takes a week of overeating to lose a bit again...Here's what helps:
    -have only good low calorie food to binge on. Get rid of junk food in your kitchen/ frig!
    -before you eat (binge) do a distracting routine! maybe exercise ( walk around the block or do sit upsor jumping jacks) or take a bubble bath or brush your teeth or put on a facial mask!
    Distract yourself from eating!
  • I think if you want to stop the binge/restrict cycle, you need to figure out why you do that. You may need professional help for it.

    But….when you say 1200 cals over your allowance, what is your allowance? If you allowance is only 1200….no wonder you are binging…your body is HUNGRY. I eat 2200 cals a day and I'm cutting. If I ate 3400 cals in a day ( and I have before), I wouldn't consider that a binge at all. And I sure as hell wouldn't try to make up for it the next day by restricting. So…I guess my point is…the issue you have may be more with your relationship with food/diet rather than self control.
    No, the past few weeks I was at 1800 cals a day and I recently brought it back down to 1500.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    I suggest speaking to a health professional about your relationship with food.

    Hope it gets better for you soon.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi everyone. So the past few weeks I've been on a bad binge/restrict cycle where I can eat as much as 1200 cals over my daily allowance and then restrict the next day which just leads to another binge. I've decided today to count last nights binge as yesterdays calories rather than todays, so that I can start fresh. The thing is, I know I've quite possibly ruined some of my progress I've made the past few months. My worry is that I won't be able to start seeing progress soon and I'm a naturally impatient person which just makes this worse. I was wondering if anyone who's had this problem and overcame it could tell me how long it took for them to start noticing the changes once they stopped restricting/binging?
    According to your ticker, you have 8 pounds to lose. That's not very much at all. In fact, if one of the women in your profile picture is you, you don't need to lose weight.

    If you are in a binge/restrict cycle, my guess is one, some, or all of the following: (1) you have a distorted thinking around food (a poor relationship with food), (2) you are not eating enough in general (you should have your goals set to lose.5 pounds or even .25 pounds per week), (3) you have an eating disorder, (4) you have a distorted view of your body.

    In order to settle your issues with food, I would suggest that you speak with a professional. This comes from someone who has been in treatment for bulimia, part of which includes a whole lot of bingeing and calorie restriction.

    The best of luck to you.
  • jetlbomb
    jetlbomb Posts: 43 Member
    I'm going through the same. Professional help might be an idea.

    Firstly, consider why you're bingeing. Is there an emotional trigger? I found that arguments with my boyfriend would trigger a binge so I avoided those situations (not always possible but we're getting better). If I knew a binge was imminent, I could go out and distract myself.

    Also, don't restrict. If you're having this problem, stop dieting. First work on not bingeing. Once you've identified why you do it, you can stop. From there you can think about weight loss.

    That's annoying, I know but... you'll probably find that if you stop the binges, you'll lose weight anyway.

    Also, ask yourself if you're hungry. If you are, eat something. If you're not but you still want to eat, distract yourself.

    Feel free to add me if you want advice. I feel I've conquered the bingeing - to a point - so I'd like to help.