
I am thinking about getting one and will like some recommendations on which of the different fitbits out there is most practical for basic needs, i don't lift weights (yet, maybe in the future) and only use an elliptical plus walking for cardio exercise.


  • Fit4MeAlways
    I have the Fitbit One. I love it. You can track steps, flights of stairs, sleep efficiency... I think it is wonderful. Plus, unlike the Fitbit Flex, you can hit the button to see your status.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I have a fitbit flex and I love it. I wear it when I'm coaching and I actually have a nice little tan line around it. lol
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I have the FitBit One and love mine!!! I think its more accurate than the Flex b/c it doesn't give false reads/steps with arm movement. I clip mine to my bra and I don't have to worry about it falling out of my pocket or off my hip. Highly recommend.
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    I love my Fitbit One. I don't wear it at night for sleep. It makes me want to move more. I lift weights and run a bit on alternating days and I love to see the step count on my run days.
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    I have had the flex and the Force,both are great. They tend to work if you hold yourself accountable. Track your food, use the smartphone app and its a great way to MENTALLY be accountable to your own goals.

    I recently switched to the Polar Loop cause it can be attached to a Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor and then display your heart rate in real time on the bracelet. Its the best of both worlds.

    It also monitors and tells me when I am not active for long periods of time with alerts that say " Better get moving "

    Whatever you buy remember it only works if you put in the work .

  • brittsway
    brittsway Posts: 12
    I also have a Fitbit One. Absolutely love it. Helps keep me moving during the day.
  • ehuschka
    ehuschka Posts: 47 Member
    I love my Fitbit Flex. Its nice not having to switch it off clothes and such (I literally take it off to shower and to charge it, that's it).

    But warning, I have noticed that it doesn't count Elliptical steps as well because its a smoother step. Mine usually ends about half a mile lower then I run.
  • RelentlessChef
    I've had the FitBit zip for a little over a month. It is easy to wear and their user interface website is excellent. Also being integrated into MFP is a HUGE plus.
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    If they don't count elliptical steps, would i have to manually log those calories then?
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    i also love my Fitbit One. i just manually add in my cals burned for lifting weights because it doesn't accurately count for this as i'm not taking any steps.

    i also have the Bodymedia Fit and don't find it to be as accurate, to me it overestimates calories burned.

    i have been wearing both of them and am entering all my stats into a spreadsheet to see the results.

    i think i will end up cancelling my subscription for the Bodymedia
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    It really depends on your preference.

    Fitbit One: Clips onto your clothes, is not waterproof, shows stairs climbed.
    Good if you can remember to put it on your clothes, don't like things on your wrist, don't want it on your wrist, like being able to click and see your stats.

    Fibit Flex: Wrist worn, is waterproof and you wear it 24hr/day except to charge. Doesn't show stairs climbed. Only shows lights and no actual stats (5 lights, each one equals 20% of your goal)
    Good if you would forget to switch the One between clothes, prefer something waterproof for swimming activities or instances where water may come into play, like to put it on and forget it, dont mind looking at the app/computer for stats.

    Fitbit Force: Wrist worn, not waterproof, shows stairs climbs, has stats on wrist with click of a button.
    Good: Like the wrist features of the Flex but rather have the button/stairs of the One.

    Personally, I like the Flex because I forgot my One all the time. I like that its waterproof and wore it often while swimming, rowing, boating, etc. I know my basic exercise habits and the lights show me enough data to get by if I dont have my phone. I always have my phone and like using the app so the lack of numbers on my wrist isn't a big deal. The Force is cool but I need/want waterproof.

    They all calculate steps in a very similar way. I wore my One and Flex together for a month and overall they were only different by 100 steps total. Some days the Flex would be higher and some days the One would be higher but overall 100 steps different for 30 days doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Not having the stairs climbed feature on the Flex is a bit of a bummer especially because i moved into a house with stairs and feel like I climb those bad boys 100 times a day but I'm fine without that stat.
  • Dpackard11
    Dpackard11 Posts: 4 Member
    I have the Flex and love it too. I'd like the display of the Force but for the extra bucks it wasn't worth it to me. I find it is fairly accurate on the elliptical if you use a machine that has the moving arms or you don't hold on and just pump your arms the same as you would if walking/jogging.

    One thing I have found is that it doesn't track if you hold on to something (i.e. a grocery cart) when walking or you are doing a lower body only activity (stationary bike). Once I discovered that I just put it in my pocket or sock and it tracks well enough. I don't worry if it isn't 100% accurate because overall it just motivates me to move more and that is a plus. I find myself parking farther away, taking stairs instead of elevators, etc and that is what it is all about for me.

    It also integrates very well with the MFP app. I highly recommend it!
  • jordintoenjes133
    I have a Fitbit Flex and I absolutely love it!!! I also like the display of the Force but then saw it was recalled, so I obviously couldn't get that one. I am very HAPPY with my purchase of the Flex! I highly recommend it! :smile: