Toning and Stengthening without bulking....

I have been doing circuit training for about 2 years now 5-6 days a week. I lift and also do HITT sprints. I feel like I have hit a plateau. I have lost a lot of weight but still am not comfortable with wearing shorts. I want to wear shorts this summer!! I have recently been focusing really hard on my leg strength and notice a difference in how muscular my legs are, but they are also bulking up. I don't necessarilly want them to bulk up. How do I get the best of both worlds? muscular and toned without the bulk? HELP!!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I have been doing circuit training for about 2 years now 5-6 days a week. I lift and also do HITT sprints. I feel like I have hit a plateau. I have lost a lot of weight but still am not comfortable with wearing shorts. I want to wear shorts this summer!! I have recently been focusing really hard on my leg strength and notice a difference in how muscular my legs are, but they are also bulking up. I don't necessarilly want them to bulk up. How do I get the best of both worlds? muscular and toned without the bulk? HELP!!

    Get a legit resistance program, don't do steroids and you'll be fine
  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    Unless you're using steroids it's almost impossible for women it bulk. It's a ridiculous misconception that women bulk. They lean out. You'll be fine. Ditto PP.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    You severely underestimate the dedication that it requires to become bulky as a female.

    The bulk may be water retention but I highly doubt there is actually any bulk. Start taking measurements and come back when you have proof that you're getting bulky.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,881 Member
    One "bulks" on a calorie surplus. If you ain't surplusing, you aren't bulking.
    You want more muscular, then lower body fat levels through calorie deficit, but keep lifting the same.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Without knowing how much you are eating and what kind of lifting program you're on, it's impossible to know whether or not you are actually adding any muscle at all. But I agree with the others that you are probably not anywhere close to the calorie surplus and lifting regimen required for a female to "bulk up."
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    OP, are you taking measurements of your legs and know for a fact that they are bigger? Or are just seeing more definition? There is a difference, and proper advice depends on which one you are actually experiencing.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    "Muscular... without bulk."

    I'm not even sure what this means. I doubt if you really do either, actually.

    Do you want your muscles bigger, smaller, or the same size? Do you want more, less, or the same amount of fat on top of them?

    Those are the only things you can change: muscle size and fat thickness.

    Sit down and think about how you want each of those variables to change.
  • ziggy5621
    ziggy5621 Posts: 44
    Thanks! I suppose my use of "bulk" may have been used in the wrong context. I suppose I feel larger than I'm wanting to. Im taking the advice and looking at my whole workout and diet .....its possible its water, or I may need to adjust my diet more. Just wanted some POSITIVE advice from others who also workout and just want to continue to better myself.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Women often times misuse bulk for definition.

    Bulk means size.

    A lot of times women start lifting- either have water retention and get poofy- or they get lose body fat and get defined and freak and say I"M GETTING BULKY.

    Bulking and putting on appreciable mass is laughably difficult to do- try to put on some size and you'll quickly see it's just ridiculous hard as a woman

    Eat a deficit- keep lifting and you'll get your "toned strong look" without "bulking".

    <<grumbles- I want to go to the magical bulking gym- this hard work and heavy diet stuff is a PITA!!!>>
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thanks! I suppose my use of "bulk" may have been used in the wrong context. I suppose I feel larger than I'm wanting to. Im taking the advice and looking at my whole workout and diet .....its possible its water, or I may need to adjust my diet more. Just wanted some POSITIVE advice from others who also workout and just want to continue to better myself.

    I'd venture to say it's water retention then, if you're truly eating at a calorie deficit.

    My legs got bigger when I started weight training, and I tried to fool myself into thinking it was muscle. I actually wasn't logging my food at that time, so yeah, I wasn't really in a calorie deficit. I was just getting fat legs. Once I started drinking more water and accurately logging, my pants started fitting again. I'm not saying this is true for you, but looking at the bigger picture will probably help you out more.

    Edited to clarify that my legs got bigger, but not because I was building muscle or anything like that.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    A lot of times women start lifting- either have water retention and get poofy

    ^^^A million times this. When I first started lifting, I was on about a 200-250 calorie deficit and doing cardio alongside New Rules of Lifting for Women. Imagine my surprise when my weight jumped up about 5 pounds and I gained an inch in each thigh! I almost quit because I thought I was screwing up somehow, but I liked how my triceps and butt started looking (no jiggle) so I stuck it out.

    After about 6-8 weeks, the 'poofiness' or 'swollen' look went away, and I had much more definition all over. Even now, if I really push myself in a workout, the 'poof' comes back for a few days. Some people retain water like crazy. You may be one of them. Don't let it scare you into quitting. Keep a deficit (through diet OR exercise) and keep lifting. Do heavy squats, deadlifts, and lunges or step ups, and your legs and butt will look better than you thought possible. Good luck!
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Focus on getting lean, but throwing in some strength style training will help you get stronger and keep things fresh at the gym.
    Lifting heavy (for you) weights .. 3 sets of 3-5 reps of squats or deadlifts wil help ensure you keep all the muscle you've earned while you're focusing on dropping your BF%.

    Keep focused on tracking what you eat and aim for that deficit and keep hitting the gym!
    Shorts for summer... for sure!
  • ziggy5621
    ziggy5621 Posts: 44
    A lot of times women start lifting- either have water retention and get poofy

    ^^^A million times this. When I first started lifting, I was on about a 200-250 calorie deficit and doing cardio alongside New Rules of Lifting for Women. Imagine my surprise when my weight jumped up about 5 pounds and I gained an inch in each thigh! I almost quit because I thought I was screwing up somehow, but I liked how my triceps and butt started looking (no jiggle) so I stuck it out.

    After about 6-8 weeks, the 'poofiness' or 'swollen' look went away, and I had much more definition all over. Even now, if I really push myself in a workout, the 'poof' comes back for a few days. Some people retain water like crazy. You may be one of them. Don't let it scare you into quitting. Keep a deficit (through diet OR exercise) and keep lifting. Do heavy squats, deadlifts, and lunges or step ups, and your legs and butt will look better than you thought possible. Good luck!

    THANKS!!! :-) I think you hit the nail on the head! Poofiness and I just need to stick it out!
  • ziggy5621
    ziggy5621 Posts: 44
    Focus on getting lean, but throwing in some strength style training will help you get stronger and keep things fresh at the gym.
    Lifting heavy (for you) weights .. 3 sets of 3-5 reps of squats or deadlifts wil help ensure you keep all the muscle you've earned while you're focusing on dropping your BF%.

    Keep focused on tracking what you eat and aim for that deficit and keep hitting the gym!
    Shorts for summer... for sure!

    Thanks for the positive remarks and suggestions! Much appreciated!