Anyone: 1640/day : 35yr old F : 5'7.5" : 15-20lb to lose

I'm looking for a few ladies with similar goals/body types as mine to fight the rest of this fight with me. I've been stalled at the same weight for about 2 weeks now, not even a fraction of a pound variance. I recently raised my calorie intake so I'm hoping within the next week or so with some activity I'll see changes. I think my metabolism was on standby because I wasn't eating enough.

I'd prefer open diaries so I can get some good ideas, too. Mine's open (I think), not always perfect, but always honest (otherwise, what's the point?).

Thanks & looking forward to the added support and motivation!


  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    I gained a bunch of weight back after surgery in December (and lack of exercise)...I'm 5'8", with 20 to lose, and I eat around 1600-1650 a day when I'm following a proper plan. Perhaps some accountability to another member will help me stay on track for good.

    I definitely keep my diary honest (this week's a nightmare thus far...well, could be worse!). I try for lower carbs (less than 140g), higher protein. That seems to work for me.

  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Great, thanks for responding - I just sent you a friend request! I was hoping to lose a chunk of this weight before the end of June (when I go to Mexico for vacation) we'll see if that works out. At this point I'd be happy to lose 5 pounds since 0 wants to leave me as of late!
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    30, 5'9" looking to lose about 25 pounds. Add me if you like!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If it is at all reassuring to you, I'm about 20 lbs away from goal and have been around the same weight for about 4 weeks now, but I think I am losing inches (measurements are due this weekend). You might want to pull out the tape and have a look, because you might be having movement on the tape even if you're not seeing anything on the scale.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 33, 5.7'5 and have 15 pounds to go, another 10 after that if I think I can do it. I was doing ok on the weight loss, and then gained three pounds and stayed at the same weight for three weeks, how irritating!

    I am at 1200 and always eat over or eat into my workout calories, just becuase I feel my body needs it. I keep meaning to look up my TDEE numbers and just haven't yet.

    I have an open diary and log daily, I've been here for about 55 days and the site really seems to work for me! Always looking for motivational friends!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I'm 33, 5.7'5 and have 15 pounds to go, another 10 after that if I think I can do it. I was doing ok on the weight loss, and then gained three pounds and stayed at the same weight for three weeks, how irritating!

    I am at 1200 and always eat over or eat into my workout calories, just becuase I feel my body needs it. I keep meaning to look up my TDEE numbers and just haven't yet.

    I have an open diary and log daily, I've been here for about 55 days and the site really seems to work for me! Always looking for motivational friends!

    We sound pretty similar!
    Here's my other information, I was eating 1200 until the end of last week when I decided I was not eating enough to keep my metabolism kicking.
    SW: 187
    CW: 172.4
    Goal: 155-160 (I'll evaluate as I go)
    Calories:1640 (I don't always eat them all & I do eat back at least 70% of my exercise calories)
    ETA: My goal weight is at the higher end of the healthy weight range - I do have a large frame so I don't EVER look as heavy as I am (nice for me I guess). Also my Body Fat % (not BMI) is 21.9%, so not bad. My scale has the Body Fat option on it, which I love :)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    If it is at all reassuring to you, I'm about 20 lbs away from goal and have been around the same weight for about 4 weeks now, but I think I am losing inches (measurements are due this weekend). You might want to pull out the tape and have a look, because you might be having movement on the tape even if you're not seeing anything on the scale.

    I should definitely do gets old seeing non movement, BUT I have to say I am happy the movement isn't upward either lol.
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    Deena...I accepted your request...let's get this DONE. :D

    I was at about 165 before gaining 20 back after surgery (230...yikes...was my highest), and it is at that weight I was most comfortable. My lowest last year was 159, at which point everyone thought I was too skinny (even my 16 year old, who is brutally honest!). So 165 is my goal, and I'm currently 185.

    Like you said, I never look like my weight to 159, I was getting guesses at 135-140, and people thought I was "thin". Love that! LOL.

    Everyone's different, and needs to decide for themselves their most comfortable weight. And, I have to add, exercise makes a big difference in size! Not being able to exercise showed me this. So even though you may want to see a certain "number", what size are you? And how comfortable are you?

  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Might be lacking a few similarities, but I sent a request anyway. I'm a bit of a rebel :smokin:
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Susan - I'm about a size 10 I think, medium tops....depends on the clothes. I'm not 'big' but I liked the way I looked and felt around 155, so that would be nice :) I'm not really miserable at the size I am now, I just liked that size better LOL.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Might be lacking a few similarities, but I sent a request anyway. I'm a bit of a rebel :smokin:

    You, rebel, you. I accepted you for who you are LOL.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    My goal is 1610/day, I'm 32 and 5'7" with about 17lb to go, so not very different to you!
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    I have a similar goal too. I started off 182 and am now 161:) Also 5'7 and eating around 1400 a day.. most of the time more though :) Currently workout out to Jillian Michaels.. Feel free to add me
  • branhar22
    branhar22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There!

    Similar goals here! I just did a post with all of my info under "Putting it out there".

    Add me if you would like!

  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I have a similar goal too. I started off 182 and am now 161:) Also 5'7 and eating around 1400 a day.. most of the time more though :) Currently workout out to Jillian Michaels.. Feel free to add me

    I am very similar, too--like this poster, my goal calorie-wise is 1410 (before workouts--I halve my workout calories and eat those too). I am late 30's, 5'7"ish, CW 179. Goal weight 155...ish. Right now I am focused on getting bf% down--currently at 30, aiming for 23. My losses have really slowed lately, so I am trying to recommit and to up my exercise.

    If you friend me, my diary is open to friends!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think I've added each of you (but if not, feel free to add me). Happy to have some buddies in a similar situation!
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm 34 years old and 5'6.5", and looking to lose another 20 to 25 lbs. I calorie cycle to balance the meals i eat with my boyfriend. My diary has been a little off lately due to grieving, but I'm slowly getting back into. Feel free to add me. I log in every day.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I'm 34 years old and 5'6.5", and looking to lose another 20 to 25 lbs. I calorie cycle to balance the meals i eat with my boyfriend. My diary has been a little off lately due to grieving, but I'm slowly getting back into. Feel free to add me. I log in every day.

    I'm sorry to hear you're grieving, but glad to hear you're on the mend. I just sent an invite :)
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey! I am pretty similar to all you guys, glad to find a people in the same boat!

    I am 29, 5'9" and working to lose my last 15-20lbs (or lose enough inches to make it look like I have!) I have r&r coming up in July and so have a mini/mid goal of losing around 8-10lbs by then.

    Last fall I lost some weight and toned up quite a bit (yay!!) but since some craziness over the beginning of the year I have kinda fallen off track (boo!!) so I am looking to 1) not regain anything I lost last fall and 2) finally kick the last bit of weight off....maybe before the big 3-0 in late September?!

    I am currently at 1200 calories and really trying to cement my exercise routine (something for at least 30 min a day -nothing too crazy), but I have been having a really hard time keeping up with that!

    Anyone who wants please add me! Good luck everyone :)
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    How's everyone doing?!

    It's the end of my weekend...and I wasn't as good as I could have been...but not too horrible. I just need to kick it up a notch on the motivation side.

    I am a month in at a new job and in a new house so I think a lot of my concentration has gone to that and not the diet/exercise part (I someone who's brain needs re-programming to not eat out of boredem etc and not just be a couch potato, so at the beginning it takes a lot of mental energy) I think i might pre-package lunch and and dinner this week so that at least I don't have to think about that for a while. Any thoughts on helping kick up the exercise portion?

    Hope you are all doing well!!!!