Trying to lose weight. should I do only insanity?

Hello everyone It's my 3rd day of Insanity. I want to know is it good to only do insanity and no other workouts? Or do I still need to go to the gym for more cardio to see good results?


  • SallySuzzz16
    Hey! Im on my 3rd day of my second week on insanity and i was thinking of the same thing! add me we can be friends and see if insanity will work for the both of us!.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I did Insanity and lost NO weight.

    I DID however lose (for me) a ton of inches.

    I would say to add in some strength training, but if you're doing Insanity I don't think any other cardio is needed. When I did Insanity the first time I was not doing any lifting or other exercises.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Good Lord, Insanity is an awesome workout, and you definitely don't need more cardio. I think you are good following the program as is:)
  • staylor0320
    staylor0320 Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 25 lbs in the first month of insanity...definitely don't need any more cardio. More importantly, I lost 4% of my body fat...lbs may not drop as fast because muscle weighs more than fat. Try measuring by inches or body fat percentage and I think you'll see a pretty good least I did.
  • ghoufran89
    I have added you! I hope we can help each other out with this! Looking forward to talking with you!
  • ghoufran89
    May I ask how your diet was? Or what you did specifically? Your eating and drinking and that stuff I'm new to this whole thing.
  • ghoufran89
    Hey! Im on my 3rd day of my second week on insanity and i was thinking of the same thing! add me we can be friends and see if insanity will work for the both of us!.

    I have added you! I hope we can help each other out with this! Looking forward to talking with you!
  • kpitters
    kpitters Posts: 8 Member
    Doing insanity only, is more than fine. Try focusing on your diet. That will be a boost in seeing results
  • ghoufran89
    Doing insanity only, is more than fine. Try focusing on your diet. That will be a boost in seeing results

    Thank you for the tip. I really need to focus more on my diet as I'm eating sweet thing sometimes and I need to stop.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Insanity is definitely a good start to losing weight, but keep in mind that fitness is something you have to keep working at. Don't just stop after the 60 days of Insanity are up!

    With that being said, I did Insanity and it is intense! I would not recommend doing other intensive workouts in addition to it. If anything, maybe some strength training since Insanity is mostly cardio. Either way, make sure you eat enough to fuel your body so that you have enough energy!

    Hope this helps. Good luck :)
  • ghoufran89
    Insanity is definitely a good start to losing weight, but keep in mind that fitness is something you have to keep working at. Don't just stop after the 60 days of Insanity are up!

    With that being said, I did Insanity and it is intense! I would not recommend doing other intensive workouts in addition to it. If anything, maybe some strength training since Insanity is mostly cardio. Either way, make sure you eat enough to fuel your body so that you have enough energy!

    Hope this helps. Good luck :)

    My biggest problem is the dieting part eating part i really have no idea what I should or should not eat. I know the basics No sugar no white bread no rice and all that.... Thank you for the points I will keep that in mind I know I need at least 3 rounds of insanity to be satisfied With my body.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Insanity is definitely a good start to losing weight, but keep in mind that fitness is something you have to keep working at. Don't just stop after the 60 days of Insanity are up!

    With that being said, I did Insanity and it is intense! I would not recommend doing other intensive workouts in addition to it. If anything, maybe some strength training since Insanity is mostly cardio. Either way, make sure you eat enough to fuel your body so that you have enough energy!

    Hope this helps. Good luck :)

    My biggest problem is the dieting part eating part i really have no idea what I should or should not eat. I know the basics No sugar no white bread no rice and all that.... Thank you for the points I will keep that in mind I know I need at East 3 rounds of insanity to be satisfied With my body.

    Why no white stuff? Granted it is not the healthiest for you, but moderation is key. You need to figure your TDEE -20% to keep at a deficit. Calorie deficit is what causes weight loss. Hydrate and watch sodium intake. I'm finishing Insanity this week and have not lost tons of weight, but I am down from a size 12 to an 8 :smile: It does work!! Stick with it and don't give up!!
  • ghoufran89
    Insanity is definitely a good start to losing weight, but keep in mind that fitness is something you have to keep working at. Don't just stop after the 60 days of Insanity are up!

    With that being said, I did Insanity and it is intense! I would not recommend doing other intensive workouts in addition to it. If anything, maybe some strength training since Insanity is mostly cardio. Either way, make sure you eat enough to fuel your body so that you have enough energy!

    Hope this helps. Good luck :)

    My biggest problem is the dieting part eating part i really have no idea what I should or should not eat. I know the basics No sugar no white bread no rice and all that.... Thank you for the points I will keep that in mind I know I need at East 3 rounds of insanity to be satisfied With my body.

    Why no white stuff? Granted it is not the healthiest for you, but moderation is key. You need to figure your TDEE -20% to keep at a deficit. Calorie deficit is what causes weight loss. Hydrate and watch sodium intake. I'm finishing Insanity this week and have not lost tons of weight, but I am down from a size 12 to an 8 :smile: It does work!! Stick with it and don't give up!!

    Can you tell me what you eat during you workouts? For my that is very important to know what to eat. That is a great thing you went from 12 to a size 8 I really think that is a ton of weight loss keep it up and good luck to you!! :)
  • mommy_gigi
    mommy_gigi Posts: 16 Member
    Do you have before and after pictures? I am so interested in those. I am on day 3 and I am solely following the nutritional diet that comes with it. It's not bad because it's like a restaurant menu and you choose what you want from each meal time of the day.
  • SallySuzzz16
    Yeah I'm on my second week day 3 and I'm trying to follow the nutrition plan as best as I can. I really hope I get results. Im not worried about the scale in numbers I want to see results in inches of my belly that is the main reason why I am doing insanity.
  • ghoufran89
    ghoufran89 Posts: 37
    Do you have before and after pictures? I am so interested in those. I am on day 3 and I am solely following the nutritional diet that comes with it. It's not bad because it's like a restaurant menu and you choose what you want from each meal time of the day.
    I don't have before and after pictures but I will surely make but I really don't feel much diff but yet it's only been 2 days and today is going to be my 3rd day lol.
  • ghoufran89
    ghoufran89 Posts: 37
    Yeah I'm on my second week day 3 and I'm trying to follow the nutrition plan as best as I can. I really hope I get results. Im not worried about the scale in numbers I want to see results in inches of my belly that is the main reason why I am doing insanity.
    I'm having problems following it as a whole and idk if I don't go by the guide will I like not lose weight? Or what?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hello everyone It's my 3rd day of Insanity. I want to know is it good to only do insanity and no other workouts? Or do I still need to go to the gym for more cardio to see good results?

    only insanity? its a pretty good workout you know!

    but if you want to add more in, you are probably better off adding strength/resistance work as insanity is basically cardio.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    hi! I'm on month 2 of insanity and I think that insanity should be enough for you to lose weight. it's a great and very effective workout as long as you are consistent and do not focus on the scale cause you will lose inches but gain some muscle weight on top of the total pounds you lost. and btw, sometimes i add in more strength exercises when i feel like it or i try to do as much as every other day after insanity and i go for a jog whenever I can cause i go over my cals. :) good luck!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Insanity is very very rigorous and it is not safe to stack it with other workouts unless you are at the level of an extremely fit athlete. You would be making yourself more prone to injury and not accomplishing anything else.