Jogging and loving it

I think I'm liking the act of jogging. I used to dread it because my legs would burn and I would get winded easily. After starting my routine two weeks ago, I am leaning more towards the treadmill than the elliptical. The elliptical was my best friend during my weight loss journey. How long did it take you guys to transition from jogging to actual running?


  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Options's all one in the same. If you are shuffling along faster than you yourself can walk, you are running! I know summer is hot, but hope you can get yourself outside at some point here, it is way better than the treadmill!

    And also, just congrats and hope you enjoy it and keep keeping at it!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you are on a treadmill and running then you are a runner. Eliminate that "J" word from your vocabulary! The person running at a slow 4 mph on the treadmill is still running...

    Also...the elliptical isn't running. It is a great cross training tool to accompany running, if I feel an injury coming and need to take a break I will sub in an elliptical workout for some of my runs during the week...but that isn't running.

    If you are really starting to like running then I would suggest maybe finding a beginners running group near you...get you out of the gym and onto the pavement. Go to a running store and invest in some kicks that are for your foot fall and running style and you will be set.
  • redtreediary
    redtreediary Posts: 69 Member
    I hate the elliptical with the power and fury of a thousand suns.

    Welcome to the running cult! I recruited a neighbor of mine, and the first time she really decided she liked it was awesome. I told her, "Just wait. Tomorrow you'll realize you're annoyed that it's not a day to go running." Lo! It happened.

    Really.... if you've just been doing the treadmill? Try outside. It's a whole new thing.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    As everyone else said, don't say "jogging" or "jogger", you're a runner and you're running:) You can aim to increase the pace of your run, but it's still a run! Increasing your pace is something every runner is always striving to do, even Shalane with her 5 min miles in a marathon!:)
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    If you are on a treadmill and running then you are a runner. Eliminate that "J" word from your vocabulary! The person running at a slow 4 mph on the treadmill is still running...

    Also...the elliptical isn't running. It is a great cross training tool to accompany running, if I feel an injury coming and need to take a break I will sub in an elliptical workout for some of my runs during the week...but that isn't running.

    If you are really starting to like running then I would suggest maybe finding a beginners running group near you...get you out of the gym and onto the pavement. Go to a running store and invest in some kicks that are for your foot fall and running style and you will be set.

    Currently, my running speed is 4.5mph. At this rate, I don't feel overly exerted and my legs don't burn. I do 2 mins of running, three mins of walking at 3.5mph and repeat. It is working wonders for my confidence. I put the incline to 1 or 2, depending on the response of my body at that given time. I will try outside running soon. I went to a shoe store last week and I have my eyes set on a pair of Saucony running shoes. The running club is great! I'm trying to increase stamina and endurance for life long intramural basketball. Amazing how much stamina you can build up in such a short amount of time when you are consistently challenging yourself at the right pace.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you are on a treadmill and running then you are a runner. Eliminate that "J" word from your vocabulary! The person running at a slow 4 mph on the treadmill is still running...

    Also...the elliptical isn't running. It is a great cross training tool to accompany running, if I feel an injury coming and need to take a break I will sub in an elliptical workout for some of my runs during the week...but that isn't running.

    If you are really starting to like running then I would suggest maybe finding a beginners running group near you...get you out of the gym and onto the pavement. Go to a running store and invest in some kicks that are for your foot fall and running style and you will be set.

    Currently, my running speed is 4.5mph. At this rate, I don't feel overly exerted and my legs don't burn. I do 2 mins of running, three mins of walking at 3.5mph and repeat. It is working wonders for my confidence. I put the incline to 1 or 2, depending on the response of my body at that given time. I will try outside running soon. I went to a shoe store last week and I have my eyes set on a pair of Saucony running shoes. The running club is great! I'm trying to increase stamina and endurance for life long intramural basketball. Amazing how much stamina you can build up in such a short amount of time when you are consistently challenging yourself at the right pace. should feel that way after 80% of your runs...well, I am going to say 100% of your runs right now. Once you get time on your feet and you start bringing in speed work then it will fall to 80% (after speed work you SHOULD feel spent lol).

    Welcome to the running gets even us :laugh:
  • KatVarley
    KatVarley Posts: 534 Member
    Download C25K app - you will gradually work you up to running completely through - with enough endurance to do a 5K race. Its a free App and helps keep you on a schedule... it will push you without having you do too much and hurt yourself.

    No need to be on an incline right now.... focus on distance. Good luck to you on your journey :smile:
  • teresamurphy81
    I second C25K. I've been running for about 8 months now. All outside. I was doing 45-60 minutes of a cardio work out, so I figured I could run for at least that much. So I started running when I could already run a 5k, so I started with a 10k training program. I did my first 10K in mid February and my first 10 miler the first weekend in March. I have signed up for the Space Coast Half, which is always Thanksgiving weekend. I'm in maintenance/healing mode right now. Can't wait to start training again!

    I used to HATE running. But once I got off the treadmill and out on the road in the wonderful predawn/dawn outdoors....I LOVE it!

    Slow and steady is the key. And as a marathon friend of mine told me....a 12 minute mile and a 6 minute mile are still just a mile! Stay with it!
  • leachjg
    leachjg Posts: 63 Member
    Try outside running. it is so much better than being on a treadmill.
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    Try outside running. it is so much better than being on a treadmill.

    Funny you say that. I just ran up two flights of stairs at work, ran down them, then ran outside for a 1/8 of a mile, in my dress shoes. Good way to keep me awake. Suprised I wasn't out of breath. My breathing elevated of course but I wasn't gassed as I used to be in the past. My treadmill plan is working.
  • kdrats64
    kdrats64 Posts: 14 Member
    I really enjoy the exercise bike. I have recently started a C25K. I am enjoying the challenge but find myself with sore knees. I will complete this training so I can try and be ready for my first 5K in June. But I don't think it will take the place of my cycle time!
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm using C25K app. Once I completed my first 20 minute run I think it was week 5 day 3. I completed it almost effortlessly. So I ran additional 5 minutes on top of that. That's the day I fell in love with it. I could barely run a minute at the start. Now I'm into week 7 and I can run almost 30 minutes! And damn near effortlessly!
    Also switching from treadmill to outdoors helped ALOT! I'll even go to the outdoor track at the school yard! Good luck!

    At runners or C25k'ers welcome to add me :)

  • Two2Love
    Two2Love Posts: 32 Member
    I recently started C25K and I'm loving it. I also run really slow. My walk/run average is 15.5 - 16 min/mile which is only 3.75-4 mph. I'm focusing on distance before I worry about my speed so I'm not worried that I'm slow. It's the pace that works for me at this weight.

    I'm on week 3 which includes 3 minute running intervals. When I was on week 1, which was 60 second intervals, I couldn't imagine how I was going to do this week. Now I'm excited for week 4 when it jumps up to 5 minutes!. I've for sure caught the running bug. I run outside at 5:45 in the morning and it's a fabulous way to start my day!

    I'm going to get fitted for new shoes this weekend to prevent injury as the program progresses. I'd recommend doing that sooner than later.
  • janeenchristy
    I started walk-running 5 years ago to lose weight and have progressed to running half marathons and hopefully this fall my first marathon.

    The treadmill is great, particularly for doing intervals and teaching your body that it has another "gear." Personally, I don't enjoy it much.

    I much prefer running outside, and if you want to get faster I think the best way to do it is run hills. This is something I couldn't do much of this winter and boy could I ever tell a difference in my recent half marathon.

    I echo what's been said here about finding running pals and also having a goal. I love racing. Realize you are only competing with yourself. Also, make sure you go to a good running store to get a treadmill test/gait analysis and fitted for shoes. The right shoe in the right size makes a huge difference.

    If you run, then you are a real runner -- regardless of your age, size, or experience. Good luck.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    I recently started running outside and tracked my progress with Runtastic and I found out I run faster outside than I do on a treadmill. Odd. Also, I realized that I walk fast!

    I've been listening to music while out too. Clears my mind! I can't run continuous though. :( I like run, walk, run, walk, run, walk, walk, walk....Lol to be fair... I walk fast. Lol
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    I suggest ditching the treadmill as soon as possible! I hate treadmills with a fiery passion. I've found that I love tracks a lot more for running, either indoor (at a gym) or outdoor (some high schools/college campuses have tracks that are open to the public). Also, you could take the suggestions others have made and just run outside! :) If you have a smartphone, there are tons of apps that will gauge your distance, speed, etc. for you just like a treadmill would, except you're not basically running in place for however long, and you don't have that weird "ground moving underneath you" feeling after you stop running that you get when you get off a treadmill. :P Good luck!