eating healthy while at work

boobeey Posts: 78 Member
What's everyone professional and how do you eat healthy while at work?


  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm a paralegal -

    I pack my lunch most days and have things at the office that I like to snack on. Cereal, protein bars, a few frozen meals for those days when you forget to pack, etc. I work in a very small firm (only 3 of us) and I have a full kitchen at my disposal. Reheating something isn't a big deal and rarely do the guys bring something in to snack on - if anyone does it is me! So I can arrange it to be good.

    My only downfall is if the offer to take me out to lunch - and you never turn down the boss LOL - so I just plan the best I can for it and eat a very light dinner (and if I know ahead of time, an even lighter or I skip breakfast)
  • skhny
    skhny Posts: 41 Member
    HI! My title is Academic Support Specialist. I work for a large state college in a recruiting office for online classes.
    I like to get organized on Sunday afternoons, I make up lots of little baggies of snacks and things for the weeks lunches. I bring fruit, cut up into small bite size pieces, carrot and celery sticks, little cups of dip to go with the veggies all pre measured to the right amount. I also cut up my veggies for the week so making a salad in the morning is easy to do. I also buy healthy snack bars for the drive home so I am not too hungry and can get my work out done right away when i get home. I also keep dentyne fire gum on hand which helps me with sugar cravings along with wintergreen lifesavers. I am also a tad obsessed with tic tacs however :)
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    I work in the meat/seafood dept at my local grocery store. The hardest time i have at work is dealing with the bakery ( cake is my weakness) and the guys in the meat dept are constantly eating junk and its hard to say no.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    I have a management position in the corporate / charter aviation industry. I eat in my office and pack my lunch every day. Today is a turkey sandwich on Dave's Killer Bread with a fuji apple. It's not glamorous but it is healthy and gets the job done.

    I also made a smoothie in the kitchenette here at the office this morning.

    I succeed by always brown bagging it and pre-logging my calories in the morning over a cup of coffee, so as to make sure it is a healthy day with numbers that work.
  • mskraemerspeech
    mskraemerspeech Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a speech therapist in two different schools...

    I pack my lunch 99% of the time. I plan for it and make sure it's protein packed! I like to bring 4 or 5 snack like things as sometimes I'm just writing reports all day and it can get boring. Sometimes I'll run out and get a tea and grab a string cheese or a piece of fruit to carry me through the day. I think the key is to be prepared. You won't be tempted to go out and make a bad choice if you have stuff accessible to you. If you need a break from the office go get a hot drink and fruit.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm an office manager for a pool company. We very rarely get customers coming into the office so its pretty easy for me to eat whatever, whenever. Lately I've been bringing a couple bags of mixed greens and some Perdue Short cuts, salad dressing and croutons to work the beginning of the week. Then everyday I bring my bowl and fork and some sliced fruit for snacks. I snack on fruit in the morning and afternoon... then make my salad for lunch.

    I also have a box of cookies in my desk if I have a craving for a little something sweet... but I only let myself have 1 serving a few times a week. We have a water cooler here so that's all I drink all day.

    Like some others said, I always bring everything with me... and pre-log everything when I get to work. When I get home and have access to not-so-great choices is the challenge.
  • TiffanyJole
    TiffanyJole Posts: 52 Member
    I am a full time student and I work on campus as a peer advisor.

    I pack my lunch every day, it includes a slimfast 200 calorie shake, a snack size baggie of baby carrots & sugar snap peas, a snack size baggie of fruit, a string cheese, and usually about a 1/4 cup of a fruit & nut trail mix.

    I have my shake at lunch time, but I space out my snacks throughout the day. I also drink about 8 cups of water throughout the day to help keep me feeling full.

    I also eat small portions if i go to a potluck.

    I hope that you find this helpful. :)
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    I always pack my lunch. I never eat anything that is not inside my bag and i hardly ever go out to eat. Every once in a while my job does buy lunch and I will get that but other than that I am pretty good about not going to the vending machines.

    I work as a wireless telecom admin. (IT)
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm a Project Manager/programmer (IT) . Every day I eat with my colleagues at small restaurants around our office. Can't really cook, so it's perfect for me. Thankfully there are quite a few healthy-ish meals in each one of those restaurants and if those fail - there is always grilled chicken and pork meats whenever we are and salads.
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    I am an architect. I would say 95% of the time I pack my lunch and I ALWAYS bring breakfast! As a backup I have some packets of oatmeal in my desk as well as a jar of peanut butter if I need a snack.

    Today I had a protein shake, an apple, and these little egg muffins for breakfast (I make them on Sunday and package them up in the fridge for each morning).

    For lunch I brought turkey meatloaf that I made Sunday and portioned out for 3 lunches this week, a bag of baby carrots, and a Greek Yogurt.

    I have a Quest bar if I need a snack later

    Both my husband and I bring to work because buying lunch every day in NYC can get really expensive! We were wasting close to $140 a week on lunches out (and sometimes breakfast). I can buy our entire week of groceries inclusive of dinner food with 2/3 of that money!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Administrator in a commercial vehicle workshop.

    I take lunch everyday. It's cheaper than buying and I can fully have control of what I eat.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I am an administrative assistant. I have a lunch bag that is insulated with cold packs built into the walls. The bag is kept in the freezer overnight and I fill it in the morning before I leave. I stuff it with a yogurt, weighed out serving of granola, pack of oatmeal, a banana, an apple, cup of soup, carrot sticks, seed/nut mixes, sandwich baggies full of chips I like, leftovers from the night before, etc. etc (not all of this stuff at once, this is just an idea of what I bring with me). I will sometimes run out and get soup or chili or a breakfast sandwich from quick chek if I don't bring enough food with me.

    I don't eat "lunch", I eat something small at 8:30, 9, 10, 11, 1:20, 3:00 - Basically I am armed with lots of options and eat whenever I get hungry. I usually total out at 700-800 calories by the time I leave work, which leaves me with a lot of room for dinner and a night-time snack. We get free food, bagels and candy here all the time, I don't eat any of it. I've never been much of a chocolate person. The only thing I partake in is the free (black) coffee or if we have a company-wide celebration (usually once a month or quarter).
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Pack your own meals/snacks. Learn to say NO!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    IMO, it comes down to planning..

    I take my lunch pretty much everyday..have access to a fidge and microwave. today I had leftover split pea and ham soup..

    I usually make extra of our dinner..that way myself and hubby (who also packs his lunch every day but fridays) have meals during the week. I keep yogurt and apples in the fridge if I need a snack.
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    I test online slot machines. I pack bfast, lunch and 2 snacks.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I am an insurance agent and I have classes on my lunch break at a local college. I bring my lunch everyday and I have a few cans of soup or a lean cuisine that I keep here in case I forget or if I just don't feel like eating what I brought.

    I also keep my entire overhead storage bin full of things to eat. Popcorn, soup, 100 calorie packs, flavor packets for water, granola bars, thin mints and a drawer in the fridge with 100 calorie guacamole packs, sparkling water, string cheese, carrots, etc. I bring a container of greek yogurt and some fruit from home on a daily basis, but everything else is here already so I haven't forgotten it.
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    I work in a Family Practice office. We get reps from drug companies that bring us lunch everyday. Makes it pretty hard to eat healthy depending on what they bring. Most of them will usually bring a salad along with the meal so that helps. Otherwise its all about portioning.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    My "title" is User Agreement Specialist - it's a desk job.

    Sometimes I pack my lunch, sometimes I eat out. I have a mental list of healthier lunch places around my office and will have Subway, salads, Panda Express, Potbelly Deli, etc. Almost every place has something I can eat, it just means I have to be diligent in choosing and also aware of the adjustments I need to make. Packing lunch is easier in terms of monitoring, though, and it doesn't leave as much room for bad choices.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    I used to work at CVS. I would put a small frozen chicken breast and a handful of frozen veggies into a Ziploc Zip & Steam bag. Store in the breakroom fridge, put into microwave about 8 minutes before my break, and it would be ready for me when I got back. I also kept a little jar of seasoning in the breakroom so I could sprinkle some on after it was cooked.

    And instead of grabbing a Snickers bar for sudden starving moments, I'd get a protein bar. These things, along with walking to/from work, helped me lose 50 pounds in a year.
  • shrinkingshreya
    shrinkingshreya Posts: 118 Member
    I'm an office manager at an Insurance Company- I plan my lunch out the day before and like someone else said only eat what I brought. I eat light during the day (just my preference) so it's usually a yogurt, string cheese, apple, and hard boiled eggs. I have some granola bars and almonds as a treat if I'm particularly ravenous that day. If there is a work lunch I eat whatever we have just watch the portions.