Hi! This is not easy

Like everyone here I'm back on the bandwagon. Been overweight for longer than I care to remember (im 56 and 5'0") but a year and a half ago I saw my photo from my sons graduation - that was it. I had allowed myself to get to over 13 stone which for my height was crazy.

It took a year, but I lost 4 stone and loved the comments I got. I was a borderline diabetic but guess what - I saw that off too.

I made the discovery that I am sensitive to wheat and that's what helped me stick to my diet. Its amazing what rubbish you cut out just by leaving out the wheat. Im not allergic to it - it just makes me feel yuk.

I went down from squashing into a size 16 (18 really!) to an easy size 10.

So why, oh why, have I put back on a stone since September? I just cant get into the state of mind of re-educating my eating.

But hey - I got rid of all my larger clothes to the charity shops so here I go!

Good luck everyone - we can do it!

Food is lovely - please someone invent some magic calorie free food so we can all carry on eating and enjoy it!

Happy New Year



  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    Sounds like you're back on track. Congratulations & good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sala46
    sala46 Posts: 5
    Im back on board after putting on 2 stone in a year and drinking more alcohol than is good for me!! Also feeling very fat at new years party and hiding behind FAT clothes!! I am aware that I am the only one who can take control and I will make every attempt to do so.... Any support will be greatly recieved!!