


  • johnsonvt
    johnsonvt Posts: 10 Member
    I'm out of the loop. What is Snapchat?

    ^ This

    Its an app where you can take pictures and send to people but they can only view the picture for as long as you set and then they can't see it any more.
  • fit_war
    fit_war Posts: 985 Member
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I'm out of the loop. What is Snapchat?

    ^ This

    Its an app where you can take pictures and send to people but they can only view the picture for as long as you set and then they can't see it any more.

    Unless they save the pic to their camera roll. Hacks are available. Nothing can be controlled on the interwebz.
  • johnsonvt
    johnsonvt Posts: 10 Member
    lol true there are hacks which let you capture the picture someone sends but then it sends you a notification saying they captured it
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Ture, but it's still captured. And I expect a hack will soon be available to stop the notice message.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    *Sigh* when will they realize you don't need a special app to entice silly young girls to send pictures to you. The internet is full of young women with daddy issues and zero brains begging to have someone pay attention to them.

    No app required.
  • *Sigh* when will they realize you don't need a special app to entice silly young girls to send pictures to you. The internet is full of young women with daddy issues and zero brains begging to have someone pay attention to them.

    No app required.

  • Jenjenthejetplane1
    Jenjenthejetplane1 Posts: 130 Member
    I've gotten no bad pics, so you all can stop being rude about it lol.
  • Sfeola
    Sfeola Posts: 107 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like, I have zero friends on i just feel like a weirdo admitting that. FML

    Snap chat username Solokd2 (shocker with a name like that tho huh?)