Anyone using P90X?

I recommitted myself to finish the program. This time around, I'm doing Lean in conjunction with the Biggest Loser video game on XBOX 360. Both are 90 days programs, so far so good, no cheats, no skipped exercise, been working out twice a day....Just wondering if anyone else was doing the program, maybe we could help each other be accountable and feed off of each others progress.

I'm just trying to slim down and lose BF, gain lean muscle, not interested in being "skinny", just healthy...I weighed in at 256 this past Monday, will weigh in on Sunday only because it's apart of the Biggest Loser game, judging my success on how my clothes fit this go around. Ideal weight would be a solid, not gooey, 210


  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Grats on committing yourself to fitness!

    I'm on Day 60 of P90X Lean and loving it. My goal is to get to a fit BF% and gain some healthy looking muscle, and just be more healthy and fit in general.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :) If you have any questions about P90X or whatever, just ask.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    A lot of people on here do P90X - if you search and type that in, you'll find a ton to topics on it.
    There are groups all over the place on here.
    Good luck with it!
  • citylife4eva
    citylife4eva Posts: 9 Member
    Just finished my Kenpo X and completed my first week of P90X and 90 day Biggest Loser workout regimen, down 10.6 lbs. I really kept my diet in order, and pushed myself through all my workouts. I think the weight loss was significant due to the double workouts and the shock to the body, I hope not to lose that much that fast for the rest of the program. I was the biggest loser this week hahaha, with 4.3% lost. Think I will up my calorie intake to 1800 from 1500, but I haven't been hungry and have had plenty of energy. I am using Hydroxycut, not the full dosage, just two tabs before my exercises, as a supplement as well, which may be helping with the energy.

    Continueing to press play:glasses:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good job! I love Kenpo X, my favorite workout.