Trying to stay fit and healthy at 40!


I have been on MFP before but was very inconsistent with it. I am trying to lose about 10lbs but mostly stay fit, toned, and eat healthy. I do kickboxing a couple of times a week but do running and strength training at home. My nutrition is a mix of paleo, juicing, and clean eating. My problem is sticking with anything for longer than 2-3 weeks. Currently on week 3! Looking for motivation and support. I am a very busy working mom to 3 kiddos. Two of my children have severe special needs so I need to stay healthy for them. Who is with me??


  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Life isn't easy and it can get in the way. That said, plenty of people with very busy lives find a way. The trick is a combination of commitment and finding activities and life style adjustments that you truly enjoy. One of the biggest changes I made was moving from dining-centered dates and activities with my wife to working out with her, running, and finding things like climbing walls and ropes courses. We still enjoy good food but it's no longer the center of our lives.

    Let me also say that part of this is learning what really matters. Juicing, clean eating, and paleo are not necessary and just serve to complicate things. Putting in the hard work at the gym, and hitting your calorie and macro goals are necessary, so if you commit to those you will get to where you want to be. I turn 42 this year and in better shape than I've been in over a decade.

    Good luck!
  • sgrmag99
    sgrmag99 Posts: 36 Member
    I just posted a thread getting fit after 40 myself. I'm in the same boat. Friend me if you like. I'm 45 5'4 and 127 looking to get to a steady 125. Not just the number, but a strong healthy fit 125. I'm determined…
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hello! My name is Kim and my weight loss journey began two years ago. I was at my heaviest (225) and things were not good. I couldn't keep up with my kids, I was tired all the time, and my doctor told me that my cholesterol was on the rise! I decided something needed to change. I started walking, and eventually doing some weight training. I am down over 65 pounds! I feel so much better, and I love supporting and encouraging people to do the same. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. I still have some weight to lose, so we can work at it together! Getting your nutrition under control is a big key to losing weight. I can share what has worked for me if you are interested. If you work hard, I know you can reach your goal! So what do ya say? Are you in? If so, send me a buddy request!
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    Slow and steady. Just do what you can when you can and you wont burn yourself out.
  • Believe4it
    Looks like you have a lot of positives going on so don't down yourself. That will definitely get you off track. Looks like you are doing a lot of things right so kudos to you!!! I was just sitting here in somewhat of a nutrition rut. I MUST stick to my nutrition goals. I must!! I must!! I must!!! I've fallen off over the last few days and have gone over my calories and the scale has definitely shown it. I also want to be healthy for my family. Let's encourage one another together :smile:
  • mom2jia
    mom2jia Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement and support guys. My life is so hectic with the care of my sick boys but I need to plug along. I tend to get off track when my son goes in the hospital. I have been lucky that he has been hospital free for 6 mos thus why I am taking advantage of this hiatus. I tend to eat pretty good but I hate working out. I
  • bs240z
    bs240z Posts: 70 Member
    welcome to mfp. i turned 40 last year. it's not too bad. ;-)

    feel free to add me if i can encourage you. best of luck on your goals.