Time for a change .. A little help please?


I've made a decision two weeks again that it's time for a change really. I've always been a bit fat to be honest (90-105 kg/5'10) and I don't want to be anymore. I've joined a gym and started doing 30mins of cardio at least to start with then 20mins strength and another 10mins cardio. I walk 2.5 mins then run 12.5 mins. walk 5 mins then run another 5 mins then walk 5 mins as cardio to start with (any suggestions would be highly appreciated btw). And for the last 10 mins; I usually go for the elliptical or if im knackered. I go for the treadmill again.

What I'm worried about is food really. I can't cook at all so for the past 4 years been living off junk food really. I'm not really fussed about how the food tastes as long as it helps me lose the extra pounds and tone my body for a change. So any suggestions on what to get from the supermarkets would be really helpful and I'll find out how to cook them. It's just everytime I do go to the supermarket, I end up getting loads of crap that's not healthy at all.

To sum up;
- Is the cardio enough/too much? Should I just not do any strength workouts and concentrate on just cardio for now until I burn off some fat?
- What sorts of food should I get from the supermarket?

Anything that you think should be helpful really to my case. Again, I don't mind pushing myself to be honest through exercises nor eating crappy food for a while (Yes, I really am sick of my belly fat and want a toned stomach for once!)

Thank you.


  • Congrats on the decision to make a change!

    Keep up with the strength training. Cardio is good, but lifting heavy stuff will help you in the long run. Maybe dedicate one day to just strength training.

    Your food intake is how you're going to lose the bulk of your weight. By "junk" what do you mean? Do you mean simply unhealthy foods or processed foods? I know when I first began to lose weight, I had no faith in my cooking ability, so it was about prepared frozen meals with set calories so I could track my nutrition easily. It worked for a while, but there's only so many times you can have certain prepared meals before you begin to get sick of them.

    So, I just started with really simple things that I knew I could make: chicken, ground turkey, lean ground beef. That's been working well, and it's been fun to try and pair veggies with my meal (veggies are SUPER important) and find healthier alternatives to starches (mashed cauliflower, quinoa, couscous). I have since learned to work with pork, fish, and steak, but I just had to get over my fears and of course be ok with completely ruining meals... it's bound to happen.

    So, in summary: Buy meats and vegetables and be brave about cooking, but if you want to just focus on calorie consumption, some low cal prepared meals might help you out.

    Also, you can browse the forums here for meal plans. Lots of people post recipes that are quite tasty!

    Good luck!
  • Chicken and fish are pretty easy to cook. I don't cook often but that's what I like to cook. You can just add a little seasonings to the meat. I also like frying broccoli and asparagus in a little seasoning and olive oil. For snacks, I enjoy all the different flavors of hummus. I eat them with healthy crackers or with veggies. I'm the type that snacks a lot and this is healthier than chips, candy or what ever junk I find. I usually have a fruit and veggies smoothie in the morning and get hungry before lunchtime. A hand full of almonds usually help my growling tummy.

    For good, low fat recipes, I like skinnytaste.com.

    Good luck to you!
  • ealaniz2
    ealaniz2 Posts: 9 Member
    :smile: You just did the hardest part which was to make the decision. For me cardio works wonders and I know I'm going the right way.
  • fit_war
    fit_war Posts: 985 Member
    Chicken... fish.. veggies... bacon... more veggies... more bacon.... and protein

    meat... and bacon. ...
  • If you don't have a crock pot get one! they are perfect for people who don't like to cook and there are tons of crock pot recipes online and I'm sure on here aswell. You can buy any type of roast or chicken there are different marinades u can put on them you can do chicken or steak fajitas buy frozen already sliced peppers and onions to add to the pot. Or make mac and cheese pulled pork sandwhiches, chili even burgers or meatloaf :) hope that help alittle
  • bruce_hunt
    bruce_hunt Posts: 2
    All you really need is Determination.
    Determination and a frying pan.
    Determination and some butter and olive oil, a spatula, and some Determination.
    Determination and some butter and olive oil, a spatula, an onion, some eggs, and more Determination.
    Determination, a frying pan, some butter and olive oil, a spatula, an onion, some heat, and more Determination.
    Determine to heat the butter and the olive oil in the frying pan, stir in the onion, when it starts to turn a little brown, add eggs.
    Determine to eat the eggs and onion when you determine it is cooked enough for you.
    Keep it simple, just be Determined. You will find your way. The life is in the journey, the destination is just a resting place. And don't forget the bacon.