Too much fat too little protein

Hi. I always seems to go over my fat macros and under on protein. I just can't seem to get enough protein. I'm trying to get more toned but I pretty much want to maintain my current weight. I do eat a small amount of dark chocolate every day so I'm thinking this may be one reason why my fat always goes over. I heard it's better to go over on fat than it is to go over on carbs. Actually sometimes I go over my carbs also but I never go over on protein. Just wonder how this will affect my goals of toning up and building muscle. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you.


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    If I know, which has been pretty recent, (since mom goes to like 232342347934 doctors a week)... I won't readily have breakfast, so I try to have a fist full of almonds and either a protein shake or a greek yogurt. That usually holds me over for a while, before deciding on supper :)
  • joyrachael
    joyrachael Posts: 24 Member
    What do you put in your protein shakes?
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    What do you put in your protein shakes?

    Frozen fruit usually.a banana and some vanilla greek yogurt :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Looked at your diary. Your protein goal is high, which is a good thing, but also means it's not a huge deal if you don't always hit it. I've been able to see the muscle definition I want by getting around 100g a day, and you're pretty close to that.

    Are you a vegetarian? If not, I'd add in some more lean meats (grilled chicken does wonders for protein, and there's so much you can do with it!) If you are a vegetarian, no biggie, protein is still totally attainable. I'd add in more snacks like greek yogurt, string cheese, and protein bars/shakes. I lived off of those things when I was veggie. Imitation meats are a good choice too (I saw Morningstar Farms in your diary - love that brand :smile: ) If you're worried about fat, you could cut back a little on things liken nuts and nut butters and replace them with a more protein-friendly snack. Nuts DO have protein, but they have more fats.

    Honestly I think your diary looks really good though, these are just little suggestions :) Good luck!
  • joyrachael
    joyrachael Posts: 24 Member
    Wow good point about my protein goal being high. I really can't see much muscle definition and I started lifting weights and changed my diet around four months ago. Maybe some people like me just aren't able to get visible muscle definition. Good idea to trade some of the nuts/fats for yogurt etc. I just feel like im constantly hungry and crave little snacks like nuts and easy things to just grab and munch on while sitting at my desk at work. I'm not a vegetarian but i woeuld prefer to be one in a way but it's just easier to get protein by eating meat. I also love Morningstar Farms food. I just tried their California Turkey (not real turkey) burgers. They are really great! Anyway, thanks so much for your input.
  • joyrachael
    joyrachael Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you!!