HI! I'm Ren!

iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
Well, actually, I'm Serenity but everyone just calls me Ren.
I'm 23 years old and 190 lbs! My ideal weight would be 145 lbs!
I'm a house mouse that loves to read, write, and play video games. I don't mind being outdoors, but I'd rather be curled up on the couch with a good book.

I'm not super upset about my weight right now, but I realize right now that I'm not very healthy and I want to be able to be healthy, that way whenever I decide to have children my weight won't get out of control. I just started doing this Daily Burn True Beginner to help me get back into exercise since I really haven't worked out or exercise (besides heavy lifting and lots of walking at work) in years. Literally. Like. Since Junior High.

=) It's the fourth day and I still haven't quit! I'm so shock and so surprised, because by now I'd lose motivation and just give up!
Maybe it's been helping that I've been making myself do the work up as soon as I wake up and get out of the shower, right before I make breakfast. That way I don't have the option for making the "I'm so tired after work!" excuse. Also, I've also learned that after my workout in the morning I'm WIDE awake. I got so much energy even though I'm tired. Like, I don't even need my morning coffee. In fact, I haven't had my morning coffee since I started working out in the mornings because I feel so energetic afterwards. Anyone else feel something like this? I'm using fitness pal as a food log diary when I realized I was mindlessly eating and this way I can be conscious of what I'm putting into my body. I'm also trying to incorporate lots more veggies and fruits into my food.

Sorry I wrote so much, I just don't usually have anyone to talk to about this stuff!


  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Good luck. You can do this.

    I mostly wanted to give my stamp of approval to "house mouse."
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    HIIIIIIIII REN! Good luck and KUDOS on your first couple days and getting that morning workout in.... I wish I could but im ....just....not...going ...to lol. I hope you succeed. POSITIVE ENERGY AND THOUGHTS TO YOU
  • iiRenity
    iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
    =) This message has been approved by Thesupremefor! *thumbs up*
  • iiRenity
    iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
    Haha, it's not been easy to do the morning workout since I'm not a morning person! Thanks very much for the luck and support! =) Also, I see you've lost 16 lbs so congrats to you too! That's amazing!
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    Yeah I do late night workouts....UGH! NO PROBLEM if you need a buddy ....add me... I dont eat the best but im trying ( open diary) Our goal weight is the same and our motivation seems similar ... I realized that I was going to have some serious problems in the future if I didn't try to get a handle on this ....
  • iiRenity
    iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
    Yah, I used to be really bad about mindless eating myself! So, I slowly started replacing all my sweets in the house with sweet fruits instead like apples that I can cut into slices for a quick snack, or frozen fruit. Frozen raspberries is practically candy to me now and I can have a huge amount of frozen raspberries for very few calories! Plus, I get all the vitamins! Or if I need to snack on something salty I'll pop homestyle popcorn instead and give half the bag to my boyfriend. Gives me all the salty I need but not with all the calories that come with chips.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I'm an indoorsy type too. I do exercise while playing video games, which works great for me. ;) I usually have difficulty waking up in the morning so there's no way I can do the exercise in the morning and I end up doing it in the evening/night.

    Also my wife saw the kanji in your picture (Onna in Japanese) which I hadn't noticed!
  • shadylady2191
    Hi Ren. All the best on your goals. I have so much admiration for someone who can do an early morning workout. All the best to you.
  • jammoe130
    jammoe130 Posts: 10
    Mindless eating was my issue too for a long time! I think having an open diary has really helped me though as I know I am accountable for what i do and don't eat.

    Good job on the morning workouts too! I'm super inpressed. In the morning it is literally all I can do to shower and get dressed and walk the dog, never mind doing an actual work out. I start work early though (7:30am) so I still have to get up at 6am to get to work on time. Personally I do my workouts in the evening and that means that by the time I make it to bed I am so unbelieveably exhausted I am out cold the second my head hits the pillow!

    Feel free to add me if you want any motivation or anything. I am a little heavier than you but I think ours ultimate goals are the same.
  • iiRenity
    iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
    I'm an indoorsy type too. I do exercise while playing video games, which works great for me. ;) I usually have difficulty waking up in the morning so there's no way I can do the exercise in the morning and I end up doing it in the evening/night.

    Also my wife saw the kanji in your picture (Onna in Japanese) which I hadn't noticed!

    I love video games, but I'm horrible at them so I'd never be able to focus and work out at the same time! =) Also, you're wife has a really good eye. The picture of the ouroboros and the Onna Kanji is actually my tattoo that I have on my right leg just above my ankle. =) I got it in tribute of my mother who was born in the year of the dragon.
  • iiRenity
    iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
    Mindless eating was my issue too for a long time! I think having an open diary has really helped me though as I know I am accountable for what i do and don't eat.

    Good job on the morning workouts too! I'm super inpressed. In the morning it is literally all I can do to shower and get dressed and walk the dog, never mind doing an actual work out. I start work early though (7:30am) so I still have to get up at 6am to get to work on time. Personally I do my workouts in the evening and that means that by the time I make it to bed I am so unbelieveably exhausted I am out cold the second my head hits the pillow!

    Feel free to add me if you want any motivation or anything. I am a little heavier than you but I think ours ultimate goals are the same.

    Thanks! =) It's kind of hard to do the morning workouts but I don't allow myself to think about it, today was hard but I did it. Day 5 streak! I just immediately do the work out as soon as I hop out of the wake-up shower. I'm so afraid of how many excuses I'd make in the afternoon, so I'd rather not risk it! If I was going to work as early as you it'd be killer though, so I don't blame you! Haha, I sleep A LOT better now that I've been working out.
    Hi Ren. All the best on your goals. I have so much admiration for someone who can do an early morning workout. All the best to you.

    Thank you, I appreciate that!
  • lynnpertle
    lynnpertle Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. My name is Lynn. I always use the excuse of being to tired after work to exercise. I hate mornings , but I think I need to try to exercise before work. So, it was good to hear that it gives you more energy throughout the day. What time do you get up to exercise? I would have to get up at 4:30. Is it hard to do? It would be too easy to turn off the alarm clock, no??