5'6" tall and 96lbs....how to gain weight?

I have been seeing a nutritionist, and she told me to eat at least 1500 calories a day... but then my doctor told me 2500 per day...so how many calories should I consume daily? Please help I don't know who to listen to.


  • rf1583
    rf1583 Posts: 65
    You need to start logging and figure out exactly what your TDEE is. Depending on how active you are your number could be closer to the 1500 or higher. I'm 5'2" and weighed about 98lbs a little over a month ago. It took me a couple weeks to figure out my TDEE is somewhere around 1650. So I've been eating between 1850-1950 calories and I've gained 2lbs so far. But like I said you could need to eat more or less depending on your TDEE and activity level. I should add I'm also lifting heavy 3 days a week and I can see definite muscle that wasn't there before.
  • manningania
    manningania Posts: 52 Member
    You need to start logging and figure out exactly what your TDEE is. Depending on how active you are your number could be closer to the 1500 or higher. I'm 5'2" and weighed about 98lbs a little over a month ago. It took me a couple weeks to figure out my TDEE is somewhere around 1650. So I've been eating between 1850-1950 calories and I've gained 2lbs so far. But like I said you could need to eat more or less depending on your TDEE and activity level. I should add I'm also lifting heavy 3 days a week and I can see definite muscle that wasn't there before.

    1850 per day? Thank you for your response! :)
  • Maky20
    Maky20 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on weight gain journey as well, your BMI seems to be really low 15 or so right? Any particular reason why is so low? I'm 5'4" and before 11 days I was 97 lbs heavy and in this 10 days I reached 100 lbs, so gained 3 lbs. In this case I would listen to a doctor. I'm eating around 2300 calories per day. Just track your food here to make sure you are not under eating and do your best to reach that goal. At first it will be hard but in a few days you will get used to it and will constantly be looking something to eat haha
    Be patient and good luck :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Locked this thread since you already have another thread.

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