Hi everyone I am very unfit

Hi all,

I am new to this and I would like to work really hard to see my grandchildren one day. I am extremely unfit and am not used to eating healthy at all, my friend recommended the 30 day shred but I could only manage 10 minutes before I had to stop. Anyone got any tips for how to get healthy and any exercise techniques for a beginner.



  • bestlife42
    bestlife42 Posts: 36 Member
    I am new to this as well. It's my first week and so far I feel very focused. Just take it one day at a time.....and if you fall off track get yourself back on the very next day. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can do this!
  • Napier_mum
    Napier_mum Posts: 88 Member
    I started with walking. Got some good shoes fitted which made a huge difference. Then I started with just walking around the block, when that got easy I graduated to walks around the neighbourhood. Now most days I take the kids and we walk around 6km. Now that I am a bit fitter I am finding adding other exercise a lot easier. I spend a bit of time at the pool doing aqua aerobics which is great as well, plus have just started week 2 of the couch to 5k app. Never thought I would be able to jog a bit when I started walking at the end of last year!
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I sucked at the 30 day shred at first too, that's an even better reason to do it! If you can only do it for 10 minutes, pause it and take a breather - then do 10 more minutes! The ladies in the video had 5lb weights and I only had 10's on me, and I was super out of shape, so it hurt a LOT lol. But after 3-4 days I got much much better at it :)

    Hope this helps!
  • artistryrose
    artistryrose Posts: 84 Member
    You can do this!!! When I first started actually working out, I was the same way... But each day you gotta try again, and eventually your body will get stronger little by little. Maybe start simpler... Take brisk walks a few times a week!! You just have to work your way up! Good luck :) feel free to add me, always looking for extra motivation!!!
  • ginest
    ginest Posts: 2 Member
    I started walking for about 4 week, and now I doing a step aerobics 3 time a week. I believe the walk help to be able to do the step class. i walked the 3 miles a day for 4 week, walmart has a pedometeo for 9.00 tell you the mile/calories and steps. Good Luck
  • This is my first day on mfp but if your just starting out with exercising I would start with walking if your in an area you can do so even if its a mile or less walking is the best workout.

    I just started doing this found it on pinterest

    0:00Squat thrusts
    0:30Mountian climbers
    1:00High knees
    1:30jumping jacks
    2:00Squat thrusts
    2:30Mountian climbers
    3:00High knees
    3:30Jumping jacks

    Its a 4 min workout that burns the same amount of calories as running 40-60 mins and it keeps your metabolism burning for the next 36 hours atleast that's what it said on pintrest lol

    Good luck and I hope you find a workout that works for you
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    Just keep in mind that you don't have to do everything at once.
    Start with walking, around the block, around the park, around the mall... It matters not. Just get up.
    As for food, it's okay to start slow. Cut out the crap, add more real food, and log EVERYTHING!
    (And the 30 Day Shred is too tough for me as well!)
    Feel free to add me.
    NOMORECARS Posts: 156
    Hi all,

    I am new to this and I would like to work really hard to see my grandchildren one day. I am extremely unfit and am not used to eating healthy at all, my friend recommended the 30 day shred but I could only manage 10 minutes before I had to stop. Anyone got any tips for how to get healthy and any exercise techniques for a beginner.


    This is a really easy one. I'm glad I happened to see it. The best zero cost workout you can do is to walk on the spot instead of sitting while you watch television. You are in complete control of the difficulty and duration. I started last year and now I jog a marathon while watching 3 movies on Netflix.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Just try your best and each time you'll find that you can do a little bit longer! I agree, walking is a great, easy place to start building up some cardio. You'll be fit in no time. Just make it a goal to go longer, further or faster each walk. If you're interested in doing more than just walking, use the couch to 5K app and you'll be running in no time. You can do this. Don't compare yourself to anyone but you and you'll find yourself getting better each week. Best of luck to you!
  • iiRenity
    iiRenity Posts: 22 Member
    Why don't you give Daily Burn True Beginner a try? There's a 30 day free trial, and after that it's only $10/mo. I haven't exercised in years, seriously in years, and the workouts are challenging but they are doable!
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    It starts with nutrition. As they say, "You are what you eat." Nutrition is the key for getting fit. Once you consistently eat healthy, the physical results will come.
  • exoticxbeauty
    exoticxbeauty Posts: 3 Member
  • exoticxbeauty
    exoticxbeauty Posts: 3 Member
    This is my first day on mfp but if your just starting out with exercising I would start with walking if your in an area you can do so even if its a mile or less walking is the best workout.

    I just started doing this found it on pinterest

    0:00Squat thrusts
    0:30Mountian climbers
    1:00High knees
    1:30jumping jacks
    2:00Squat thrusts
    2:30Mountian climbers
    3:00High knees
    3:30Jumping jacks

    Its a 4 min workout that burns the same amount of calories as running 40-60 mins and it keeps your metabolism burning for the next 36 hours atleast that's what it said on pintrest lol

    Good luck and I hope you find a workout that works for you

    omg I tried this and felt like I was going to die lol I felt pretty crummy because I missed my workout because it was raining and I did this and I struggled through it but did it. Felt like my hear twas going to burst out of my chest 5 minutes after the workout so it must be doing something.
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    I sometimes watch the vampire diaries which doing sit ups, yoga, or squats. I even tried watching netflix while I was walking on the treadmill. I found it made me feel dizzy. But after a while I adjusted.

    The 30 Day Shred is a hard workout to begin with. You need to build yourself up to bigger exercises. I started off with doing a light/moderate yoga routine for ten minutes here and there and walking at a leisurely pace for 20 mins. Now I do yoga for 40-60 minutes and walk for 40-60 and often try doing 20 minutes of circuit training. It took a while. But after a while your body can take it without it hurting so much the next day!

    Good luck on your journey, I wish you the best!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    30 day shred is a great place to start. Don't worry if you can only do 10 minutes. That's half! Just keep at it, taking breaks when and where you need until you can do the whole thing. I started with 30 day shred when I was super unfit myself and 30 pounds overweight, and it opened up my love for fitness. It can happen for you, too!
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    You may start with walking ,Leslie Sansone's home walking videos are good. Search youtube and buy if you like it.
    I started 24 lbs heavier ,my knees literally groaning under the weight. I did five mile video and it helped to get me moving.
    Try to log everything religiously at first and track your carb,fat and proteins, with time you will see change in your thinking
    Go through the success board ,there are innumerable examples of awesome people, who have battled with all sorts of medical conditions and won a healthy body for themselves.
    Good luck
  • This is my first day on mfp but if your just starting out with exercising I would start with walking if your in an area you can do so even if its a mile or less walking is the best workout.

    I just started doing this found it on pinterest

    0:00Squat thrusts
    0:30Mountian climbers
    1:00High knees
    1:30jumping jacks
    2:00Squat thrusts
    2:30Mountian climbers
    3:00High knees
    3:30Jumping jacks

    QIts a 4 min workout that burns the same amount of calories as running 40-60 mins and it keeps your metabolism burning for the next 36 hours atleast that's what it said on pintrest lol

    Good luck and I hope you find a workout that works for you

    omg I tried this and felt like I was going to die lol I felt pretty crummy because I missed my workout because it was raining and I did this and I struggled through it but did it. Felt like my hear twas going to burst out of my chest 5 minutes after the workout so it must be doing something.

    I know I love doing this workout best 4 min workout ever lol
  • pamandapdx
    pamandapdx Posts: 2
    I've been doing couch to 5k and it's been an awesome gentle way to slide into exercise, and I've heard it's been very effective for a lot of people. I'm approaching week 4 of the program and have already lost about 4 pounds.
  • SandraD10
    SandraD10 Posts: 2
  • OMG seriously did 10 minutes of the 30 day shred and today I feel like I am dying. I feel like I have been in a really bad car accident, I am absolutely shattered. I think I started too big and should perhaps adjust to just walking while watching TV or something. This site is absolutely amazing I cant believe the support. Should I rest this evening or go at the shred again I dont feel like I would manage even 2 squats!!!! :drinker: