Not trying to ruffle any feathers

MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise

I've been doing the same routine since the end of aug 09. with a few variations. here's what i do: 50 minutes of cardio everyday (try to switch it up in 25 or 20 mins of different machines) and 20-30 minutes strength training on one part of the body.

I was doing very well. Now I've hit a brick wall.

I am a certified gym gal. Luv the gym! Everytime I purchase an at home dvd, it just sits and collect dust!

I've heard good things about the Beachbody products: P90x, Chalean extreme etc. I am really interested.

I know alot of you guys have used these dvds. Please share with me your experiences, good or bad.


  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    I love lifting heavy weights, and I am now also on week 3 of P90x lean doubles. It kicks *kitten*. I use it everyday. No dust collecting here.
  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    I've done P90x, which I think you'd love! Tony Horton makes you work like crazyyy!
    There's 3 different versions of the program you can choose from (classic, lean, and doubles), a variety of different workouts, and modified versions of each move. A schedule and a nutrition plan is also provided.

    I'm going to keep an eye on this thread because I'm interested in what people who are doing/have done TurboFire think of it, because that's what I want to do next!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I have a copy of p90X that's collecting dust at my place, but I'm thinking to start using it to switch things up. I've heard nothing but good things about it...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    I'm getting back into exercising after a hiatus so I'm doing the EA sports active 30 day challenge on wii. I've done a week and so far it is a good, moderate help to get me back on track. Usually I do TurboJam. I hope to get back to TurboJam and then move onto Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire. I really like the way Chalene motives and the music and energy of her products.
  • My Nephew tried the p90x and he gave it up, it takes you above and beyond. he said you really did to be in shape before you start the program.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I love both P90X and ChaLean Extreme. Both are VERY good, well rounded programs that will help get you into great shape. Both are modifiable to allow you success even if you aren't already in good shape (my day 1 of P90X I was 205 pounds and hadn't done anything more than walk dogs a few days/week for several years).

    P90X requires quite a daily time commitment...70-90 minutes each day, 6 days/week. ChaLean Extreme is much more time manageable, 40-60 minutes per day, 5 days/week. I also found ChaLean Extreme to focus more on a woman's typical 'trouble' spots.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    I've been doing the same routine since the end of aug 09. with a few variations. here's what i do: 50 minutes of cardio everyday (try to switch it up in 25 or 20 mins of different machines) and 20-30 minutes strength training on one part of the body.

    I was doing very well. Now I've hit a brick wall.

    Have you considered switching up your gym routine? Here are a couple of pointers:

    1) If you are lifting regularly, group your muscles and you can work them more often... I hit each group twice a week minimum.

    2) Make sure you lift FIRST and then do cardio. If you do these in reverse, you are depleting the stored muscle sugars necessary for lifting. Your lifting will suffer because you cannot lift as long or hard without that fuel... but you can keep doing cardio long after the muscle sugars are depleted.

    3) Doing both cardio and lifting can send your body mixed signals. Generally, I only do lifting and keep my cardio for my rest days or if I am nursing an injury. I also do it if I need to slim down instead of build muscle.

    4) Be sure to mix machines, cables, body weight, isometrics, free weights, kettle bells and stability exercises all into your routine. This keeps your body having to adjust and often breaks through those walls.

    5) If you don't want to build too much muscle, try lighter weights at faster reps with little rest. This can get you a nice cardio burn as well as muscle toning.

    6) Switch between light weights with high reps (as many reps as you can do in 2 minutes), heavy weights (3 rep max) with multiple sets and then other combinations in between (1/2 of your 1 rep max at 5 sets of 8 reps).

    Get some different technique ideas from online videos or magazines. They can inspire your workout and take your body to the next level.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I have Insanity and LOVE IT!!

    I get a better workout at home than I do at the gym!! =)

    Since July 2010 all I have been doing is Insanity & Hip Hop Abs (with some Brazil Butt Lift but I can never complete the full month because i get bored fast).
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    I agree with what guardup said. Your body gets used to the same routine day in and day out and when you're not longer benefiting from that routine, either in increased muscle mass, cardio capacity, or muscle development, you need to rethink it and not scrap it entirely.

    Think about it this way: a high school track coach doesn't say "OK, you can all run a 20 minute 5k now. Awesome job. You don't need to come to practice anymore". He tailors the routine to become more challenging, focusing on greater endurance and greater speed. He might add intervals or tell his runners to double. The only way you'll see more gains is if you continue to challenge your body.

    My guess is if you don't like workout DVDs, you won't use them no matter what DVD you get. If you prefer the gym, go to the gym. Just mix up your workout. Guardup's suggestions were great, but you can also mix up your cardio workout similarly. Add in some intervals instead of just cranking out an hour of steady state cardio. Increase the pace a little bit. Jog or bike a hill program on the machine. Do something to enhance some attribute of your workout and you'll see benefits again.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Someone above asked about Turbo Fire. That program is also awesome, if you are into a little shimmy and shake with your cardio. As always, Chalene is awesome and really kicks up the traditional Turbo Jam. The HIIT workouts shake things up a bunch too.

    Does your gym offer any classes that might shake up the traditional cardio machine workout? Intervals are also great for mixing it up.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I cant say enough good things about p90x.... i always had a hard time working out at home.... i need the gym to feel like i was getting something done!!! But with p90x i dont think i will ever return to the gym other than for a visit with a friend!!! I LOVE:love: P90X and cant see myself without it!!! :bigsmile:
  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    I, too, have P90X and love it. Need to get back into using it -- but really like it; all except Yoga. I find that boring and that workoujt drags on. Sometimes I skip it, but yeah.....
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I always say that you can't go wrong with a Beachbody program as long as you do it! That being said, there are different trainers for different reasons and not everyone syncs with all of them. I love the results of Insanity, and I love Shaun T, but I don't mesh with him as a trainer in Hip Hop Abs or Insanity. I LOVE P90X, but after 3 rounds of it, we needed a break from Tony (like, an "I memorized everything he is going to say down to the last quip in this DVD" break). So, for Christmas we decided to get ChaLEAN Extreme. Today was day 1 and it is definitely different than anything else we have done, but it is great and we love it already!

    For those who don't like the Yoga in P90X, it's because it targets your weak spots. ;o) But, if you're inclined (and it's in the program for a reason!) purchase the Fountain of Youth DVD from the P90X One on One series. It's only 48 minutes and gives a great yoga workout.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I have done P90X and thought it was great. You don't get too bored doing it every day. I have also tried Jillian Michaels new book "Making the Cut". There is no video to follow (possibly a good thing for some; go at your own pace) and I have to say it's just as challenging as P90X but it may also hold my interest a bit more. There are essentially 15 different workouts for 30 days (yes, there are rest days which usually occur once after every two days of training. It's all about circuits and muscle confusion and I encourage anyone who loves P90X to try it out. There are detailed descriptions of each exercise and also a meal plan to go with.
  • I think you just need to shake things up a bit. Increase your intensity, or even hit a class (I don't know what's available in the US, but here we have body pump which is all about strength and weights, body attack, which is excruciating to the point of hatred, yoga, core, or even a spin class).
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    thanks everyone for your response!! I think i'm going to go with chalean extreme! I will try to start a thread when i start
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