Lost 100 lbs, how'd you do it?



  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I have lost 150 pounds about 100 of that was without the help of mfp .. joined it and then lost the 50 you see on my ticker thing

    routine was a big thing making it a new routine
    kept a food journal ... still keep one where i write everything i eat down in a journal and what exercise I do along with how I am feeling
    allowing for big splurge times like birthdays, holidays
    drinking a *kitten* load of water

    it has not been easy at all I cried a lot ...I still cry over it lol have really bad "i cant do this anymore when will this end" days and lots of set backs but as long as you always keep trying you cannot really fail
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I lost 133 lbs once but gained some, honestly it's will power, learning what you want most over what you want in a moment. I'm back to it and will get the little I gained off. You'll gain a little after you get close to your goal because you'll get comfortable but the trick is, catching it before it gets out of hand.
  • cathyg415
    cathyg415 Posts: 7
    Great thread! Many helpful tips, thanks!!
  • barby_02
    barby_02 Posts: 3 Member
    On weeks when I didn't have a good loss or I only lost .2 or went up a little, it helped to look at the weight loss chart. Life sometimes gets in the way and you don't lose 2 lbs every week, but if you're losing and the squiggly line is going down, it's still a move in the right direction. As long as my weight was decreasing, I wasn't worrried!