5'6 ladies who've lost over 50 lbs?



  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I'm around 5'5" or 5'6". I started at 220 lbs. I am now 120. I feel as though that might be too small (I get told I'm almost just bones a lot lol) so I might work on gaining until 130 in the long run. For now, I've been maintaining at 120. When I was bigger, I had a very sedentary lifestyle. I'm a gamer, and I let that control me. I'd sit on my butt almost all day, playing World of Warcraft and stuffing my face with potato chips. I wanted to change. When my knee started hurting and I found I couldn't climb the stairs without panting, I decided to change.

    I now exercise at least 30 minutes a day. I do cardio and strength, with some yoga tossed in the mix. I do have some loose skin that bothers me, but I'm trying not to let it ruin my self image. I have a lot of stretch marks. I have always been prone to them, though. I will say if you are, keep some lotion around for them. Losing weight causes them, too. I went from a woman's size 20 to a size 7. I bought a new pair of jeans from Citi Trends Saturday... and they're a 7! :) I started by cutting soda. A lot of people doubt it can lead to weight loss... let me tell you. Regular (non-diet) soda-pop has about 130-200 calories PER SERVING. Imagine drinking nothing but soda (no water, no juice, no milk) every day. That's about 1000 calories right there. So, replacing soda with lighter juices, coffee, tea, water and - eventually - diet soda, I cut out at least 1000 calories a day. In the beginning, I did things a bit unhealthy. But I realized that that extreme wasn't any better than overeating. Now, I eat between 1,300-1800 calories a day. On heavy exercise days, maybe even about 2,000 or more. I'm on maintenance now, though. When I was still losing (and trying to get out of the unhealthy way of losing), I focused on 1,200-1,600.

    I have before and after pictures, but I don't feel like digging for them. I might post some later. All the best! Good luck. Remember to stay healthy and don't get too lost in all of it. The goal is to be healthy, not to 'look' a certain way. :)
  • Mrsjones172
    Mrsjones172 Posts: 69 Member
    Progress pic -

    [img]http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag276/mrsjones172/MFP Pics/4CB3306A-0B6C-4F56-A016-BBC6AF84203A_zpskym9q3vp.jpg[/img]
  • jpore
    jpore Posts: 37 Member
    Hey! I am 5'6'', I have lost over 40lbs over the past year. I posted a success story a couple of weeks ago that talks more about some of what I did. Feel free to take a look! Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend!

  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Jumping on this as I kind of fit this description...

    I am 5'5 and currently hoping to lose close to 50 lbs! I am shooting for 45 as my first goal, but will see how I look/feel afterwards.

    Love reading/seeing pics of all of those who have had success! I am plugging away every day, and happy with my progress so far!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Here's mine so far. I'm 5'6.5". The first picture is at 226ish about 2 months after having my son. The second one is at about 188 pounds not quite a year later. I'm currently at 180.2 as of this morning, but I don't have any new pictures.

    I watch my calories very closely (weigh my food and log everything that goes in my mouth), and exercise 5-6 days a week. I change up my exercise a lot. Elliptical, running, 30DS, lifting weights, RI30 are all things I've done on a regular basis over the last year.

    I'd like to lose 30-40 more pounds, to be between 140 and 150 (or at least that's what I think right now).


  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    I'm 5'6" I've lost a total of 72 lbs. Unfortunately, I didn't start taking progress pics until I'd already lost twenty pounds. This following picture is a fifty pound difference. These last 10 pounds have been a struggle as I really upped my exercise and have had to adjust my calories. I'm hoping to lose at least fifteen more to be in a "healthy" weight range.

    Good luck on your journey!

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
  • bluebirds5
    bluebirds5 Posts: 92 Member
    Bump. I am 5'6" and have lost 38lbs so far. I don't know how to add pics...
  • amazinglyjae
    amazinglyjae Posts: 49 Member
  • feitian
    feitian Posts: 21 Member
    I started at the end of July 2013 at 206 pounds. I am currently 160 pounds and I am 5'5". Feel free to add me as friends for access to my diary and before/after photos. I am also a vegetarian and maintain a daily intake between 1200-1600 calories (although I try to aim for around 1200 and I do eat back any calories I lose from that day's exercise).
  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member
    I love this thread, I'm in the same boat. 5'6, SW 242 lbs, CW 238 lbs. I actually don't know what I should do with my goal weight. 145 lbs is where I ultimately want to be, but I thought it might be better to break it up a little so it doesn't seem so far off; I set my GW to 180 lbs instead and was going to change it once I reached that milestone. Anyone else do something similar?

    Same here.
    I would like to hit 175 first, and then go from there.
  • flow2512
    flow2512 Posts: 74 Member

    I'm 5'6" and started in January 2013 at 235 pounds. I currently weigh 162 pounds, but my goal weight (for now) is 150. I lost 60 pounds in 2013 by simply eating at a moderate calorie deficit (enough to lose about a pound a week after the first couple months) and doing exercises that I liked. I do some kind of workout 3-5 days a week. I log what I eat every single day (476 days so far!), and I log my food as accurately as possible, which includes using a food scale when I'm at home, researching menu options when I go out to eat, and keeping my portions reasonable when I'm at a party or family gathering.

    In 2013, I did lots of Jillian Michaels circuit training DVDs, dabbled in running, walked my dogs often, and did a lot of bike riding in the summer. In January 2014, I started running and lifting heavy 3 times a week. I try to follow the IIFYM approach to eating. I eat the foods I like with my protein, fat, and carb requirements in mind, and I usually leave room in my day for some kind of treat. I have not eliminated anything from my diet and still enjoy all the same foods I ate before, but now I pay close attention to portion sizes and aim for a balanced and moderate way of eating. My diary is open if you want to have a look.

    It's been a long road to get to this point, and I have a lot of work ahead of me, but it has been the most rewarding experience of my life. :smile:


    I don't know how to resize that, but there are more photos on my profile.

    Wow !! Congratulations
    Tigons with your continued weight loss, you are doing it the correct way and I am sure you will reach your goals, I love your positive attitude, well done.
  • emeraldeyes_bc
    emeraldeyes_bc Posts: 200 Member
    I Just put this in the faces thread, but thought it fit here too :)
    I'm 5'6ish (was 5'8" before my accident) this is me before at 205, and after at 120
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Here's the main piece of advice I give everybody, and it's the only piece of advice that really matters:

    Don't quit. The only way to fail is to quit.

    Everything else, you'll sort out along the way.

    ETA: I just realized this sounds a bit sanctimonious...but it's still true!
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, I'm 5ft 6 .. Start weight was 245lb ... Currently 169lb ... Goal weight 140lbs.... Feel free to add me :happy:
  • acaciamavro
    acaciamavro Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all, I'm also 5'6", SW 242 on January 24, 2014, CW 210. It's been hard to lose 32lbs in just over 3 months, but I'm also loving it. I get impatient, and discouraged sometimes when I don't see any results at all for a week or 2, but then I finally get past that stall and have a 4lb week, and it's awesome, and re-inspires me.
    I go to the gym 6 days a week, eat relatively clean at a 1000-1400 calorie/day deficit (set to 1000/day, but only eat back about half my exercise cals). I'm not going nuts with the clean eating, and haven't cut out any particular foods, as I want this to be sustainable. I'm mostly just making better choices, and realizing that if I really want that brownie, that's okay, it just means that I can either have nothing but a can of tuna for dinner, or spend an extra half hour at the gym to make up for it. I also try make sure my splurge meal day never coincides with my off day from the gym, so I'm rarely over my goal for the day.
    For exercise, I do strength training/weight lifting 3 days/week, and cardio the other 3. I break it up between circuit training, functional training, and the weight room or weight machines, plus I see a personal trainer once a week, which is usually when I do the weight room, so I have a spotter. For cardio, it's mostly the elliptical, but I also walk on the treadmill, and am starting to run for 1-2 minutes at a time now too, and going a little farther every day!
    The biggest things that have helped me have been accurately measuring all my food with a food scale, though I don't use it as much anymore, as I have gotten much better at estimating within an ounce for certain foods, but didn't know how far off I was on some things in the beginning. Also, getting an activity tracker and heart rate monitor to more accurately estimate my actual energy expenditure each day. I was much further off on my exercise estimates than I had been on food. I personally went with the Polar Loop and Polar HR7, and love them, and wear both every day. If nothing else, the Loop reminds me to get up and walk around when I'm at the office all day, rather than just sitting still for 8 hours straight.
    Anyone can feel free to add me, too :-)

    I have some pics on my profile too, but here's my progress so far. Left is January 30, 2014, about 238lbs, right is April 25, 2014, at about 212lbs.


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