It's 2am east coast time

rockky83 Posts: 59
Why are you still up??


  • water_coloured
    water_coloured Posts: 81 Member
    "Studying for finals..."
    Okay, I'm actually just watching The Boondocks.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Because it's only 11:19PM on the west coast.
    Plus, I accidentally fell asleep earlier after blowing a lot of money.. Impulsively...
    Asking myself if I did the right thing....
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    At work!!
  • metalkim85
    metalkim85 Posts: 72 Member
    Writing my MFP blog, listening to Tool and just haaaaanngging out.
  • Manic5781
    Manic5781 Posts: 1,491
    Don't ever sleep. Stay awake and watch movies or listen to music.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    It's still early on the far west coast. GO ALASKA!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    It's 5pm here in Australia
  • R1ss4n1
    R1ss4n1 Posts: 35 Member
    Trying to get used to a new sleep schedule since my hours have just changed at work. I would have been in bed hours ago otherwise. :(
  • melsayshello
    melsayshello Posts: 108 Member
    Midnight over here .. Im just finishing up a ten page essay(lagging on it, I should say)