That chocolatebite wanted to be eaten by ME

erlagis Posts: 20
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Erla and I have been trying to loose weight since late August 2010. It was going pretty well then December came along and I just threw everything out of the window and ate like I was 125lb and needed to gain weight. You try and fell and then the only thing is to get back on that horse.

I moved to America one and half year ago and gained 17lb the first winter. What can I say I wanted to try everything and I wasn't careful of the fact that the proportion here are way bigger than back home. I'm 5"7 and last August I was 156lb sine then I have lost 11lb and gained 5lb back (that was not part of the plan). Obviously I need to something different so I'm going to try to count calories. I have never done that before but this site is so easy to use that I hope it's going to go well. I have arthritis so it's very difficult for my to hard exercise but I try to do yoga and the plan is to start swimming.

My BIGGEST problem is my relationship with food. I can always eat candy and cake, if I'm feeling low I turn to food, if I'm feeling happy I turn to food. I always need to have food and once I start to eat I have great difficulty to stop. It's almost impossible for me just to have one slice of cake, I eat the whole cake even though I'm full. For example on New year's eve I went to a standing dinner party, so the food was on the table the whole night. Instead of just eating until I'm full and the enjoy having conversations with my friends, I ate way to much, I continued to eat even though everyone else was stopped and when I stopped I just kept thinking about the food. I don't know how to change it but I want to change my attitudes toward food.

My goal weight is 132
My other goal is to have healthier attitude toward food

I need friends to help keep me on track and for me to hopefully help others to stay on their track.


  • Welcome! you can DO IT:)
    I've had alot of success with MFP so far. My goal is 120 lbs ultimately, but i'll get there. And i still eat chocolate every day :)
  • Megggers
    Megggers Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I know how you feel. I eat when I'm stressed, happy , bored, excited, you name the emotion I'm eating!!!!! I think I've medicated myself with food all these years, had a good childhood, lost my Dad when I was just becoming a teenager so I think that kind of spiralled everything. Then I had two kids and never lost the baby weight I gained and am now over 120 kilos. I was a size 12 when I got married 14 years ago and while I would love to be that again, I know it's an unrealistic goal so I'll start with a few dress sizes first. For me it has to be a lifestyle change, not just a 'diet' because I tend to yoyo.. And I have to do other things instead of eat.

    The other thing is too is that I'm learning not to stay away from those sorts of foods, to allow myself to have a little bit. But therein lies the problem because if I just have one, then I need to eat the whole lot!!! I'm trying to say no and feel when I'm full, but it is difficult sometimes, specially when you are at a special occasion and everyone else is doing the same thing!!!!

    Good luck on your journey.
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