about to quit

I have eliminated all soda and iced tea. i was drinking about 800 calories a day on drink. now only water
i eat around 1200 calories a day.

i go on the eeliptical and do zumba classes like crazy.

its been two weeks and not an ounce of difference!!

whats the point. i may as well sit on my *kitten* at home and eat and drink everything i want.

glad i bust my butt for nothing.


  • MichelleOnTrack
    Don't quit!! You can do it! Are you sure you are logging things correctly? Maybe you are not eating enough calories...
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    your body maybe re-adjusting its self, hold on don't let go
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    You're not eating enough to fuel that level of activity. I know it sounds counterproductive to eat more then 1200 calories, but I promise it works. If you don't have the fuel the body needs to be able to handle that level of activity, it will store fat to use as energy later. Eating too few calories for your activity levels will slow your metabolism over time and make it harder to lose in the long run. I'd suggest eating your exercise calories and see if that doesn't get you results.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    Ditto what Tonya said. I just took a look at your food diary and what entries I saw it looked like you were giving your body enough fuel. Try upping your calories and, I know some see it as a PIA, try filling in your food diary as it's easier for others to give offer up help and advice when you're struggling.

    You can do it! It's the beginning of a new year and time for new projects. If you start now and really utelize this site and all the wonderful, helpful members here you could be at goal before summer. ;-)
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Dont give up! Losing weight is part science and part patience. I agree maybe upping your calories a bit. Also, make sure the foods you are eating are healthy and not outrageously high in fat and carbs, just because it fits into your cal goal doesnt mean its a good idea. I learned this once, i was eating like one taco from taco bell and fruit all day because it fit into my cal goal but it was still bad for me and I wasnt losing like I wanted too!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I also wanted you to keep this in mind. Most people who start new programs of diet and exercise will not see a change, or maybe even will see a GAIN, in the first 3-4 weeks. During that time your body is changing and getting used to your new activities, and quite often that means you are retaining water to aid in the healing process of your muscles. This is quite normal, but can be aggravating when you step on the scale for sure! Once your body gets used to the exercise and the clean way of eating, the DOMS symptoms will lessen and your water retention will go back to "normal" providing you are not overdoing it on salt.

    Normally when I start a new program, I don't see very many results until the SECOND MONTH. Just keep doing what you are doing because exercise and clean eating is always the way to go. I agree that you may need to eat more as well, but at least you are eating better right now. Just remember to be patient and keep doing it because you WILL see results!
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    My god girl, EAT SOMETHING!

    If your diary is right, you're not in "starvation mode" you really ARE starving.

    On 12/29, you ate 652 calories. That's bordering on starvation right there, THEN you did 627 calories of exercise. Because yeah, the human body can TOTALLY live on 30 calories a day.

    You didn't log on the 30th. Did you just not eat?

    On the 31st you ate 536 calories. You did 738 calories of exercise.

    I'm going to be completely blunt with you: not only is what you're doing stupid, it's DANGEROUS. Eat something. And not just candy and white carb crap either.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I have eliminated all soda and iced tea. i was drinking about 800 calories a day on drink. now only water
    i eat around 1200 calories a day.

    i go on the eeliptical and do zumba classes like crazy.

    its been two weeks and not an ounce of difference!!

    whats the point. i may as well sit on my *kitten* at home and eat and drink everything i want.

    glad i bust my butt for nothing.
    I know it can be hard to change your mindset when it comes to what motivates you, but if you can come at this from a perspective of wanting to do all you can to be the healthiest you can be, I think you'll have more success. The fitness and weight loss are just natural byproducts of your good health. If you exercise for fitness and eat for health and to fuel your activities, you'll look AND feel great!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Keep in mind that it's not just how much you eat, but what you eat as well. However, Tony is absolutely right: your metabolism will shut down if you don't supply your body with the nutrients it needs. Also, are you doing weight training? If so, muscle weighs much more than fat... and that's NOT a bad thing. So, if you haven't been weight training, you should pick it up. Muscle also burns much more energy than fat, so your metabolism will naturally increase (so you'll burn more during rest, which zumba and cycling won't do alone).
    My advice: stick to it. Eat healthy, keep a record of how you feel after meals and exercise. Are you low energy? Are you starving? Follow your body's signals.
    And I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: eat healthy. Even if you eat to maintain, the doughnut still looks better in the cabinet than it does on the thighs. When you say "giving up" all I can imagine are all of those stories of women who reach a plateau and bury their sadness in junk food.
    Also, I commend you on quitting the sodas. I know how addictive those can be.:drinker:
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    I have eliminated all soda and iced tea. i was drinking about 800 calories a day on drink. now only water
    i eat around 1200 calories a day.

    i go on the eeliptical and do zumba classes like crazy.

    its been two weeks and not an ounce of difference!!

    whats the point. i may as well sit on my *kitten* at home and eat and drink everything i want.

    glad i bust my butt for nothing.

    According to your food diary you are not eating 1200 calories a day. Your body seems to be in starvation mode. In order to get results, you really need to be consistent with tracking your calories and making sure you put everything you eat into your diary. It all adds up. Another thing, it isn't just about the calories in general but where the calories are coming from. FOOD IS FUEL!

    If you are burning over 600 calories with exercise, and you are supposed to eat 1200 calories per day, you need to eat 1800!! Take that 1800 calories a day and divide it by 5 or 6 (which is how many meals per day you should be eating). This will get your metabolism going again. Eat lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats at each meal...and drink AT LEAST 64 oz. of water every day.

    Now, re-evaluate your goals, re-adjust your attitude, and get back in the game! You can do this, and we are here to help you!!! But you have to EAT, girl.