Read my diary

Im looking for friends who would like to comment on each of our open diaries. Someone who would kick my --- or motivate or encourage. Friend me if you are interested!


  • vicfzy
    vicfzy Posts: 32
    Same hear. Request sent.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,373 Member
    Same hear. Request sent.

    You have an open diary, and if the recording is accurate you are substantially under eating.

    I see on some past posts that this has previously been mentioned to you and you were advised to eat more then.
  • vicfzy
    vicfzy Posts: 32
    I understand what you are saying and thank you for the advice. To be honest im so used to eating what im eating im scared to increase the amount incase I put the weight bk on.
  • vicfzy
    vicfzy Posts: 32
    May I also add that this is the 1st time in my whole life that I have lost so much weight. I know its wrong and would not advise any 1 to do what im doing but and its a big but. If I increase my calories I will put the weight straight back on. I am so scared of that.