New and committed!!!

lrmwiggins Posts: 17
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I am way overweight and I have been for the last 15 years. Marriage, children, the loss of my mom, and a sick father have not helped the situation. I have used them as excuses and now it is time to stop. I have been angry with myself for the past year for letting myself get this big and that has caused even more problems. Now I have come to terms with myself and I have made the decision to get healthy. I have yo-yo dieted and tried all kinds of things over the years. I may have lost weight but not kept it off. I am here now and I hope with the convenience of this website, the app on my phone and the support of you guys and my family, I will do it right and do it for good this time. Any advice for using this website and the phone app will be welcome. Also, any encouragement is welcome, lol. I am currently at 229, which has not been my heaviest, but my goal at this point is 150. Once there I may go for lower. But for now I have about 80 pounds to lose along with some bad eating habits. So here goes... good luck to everyone and lets do this!!


  • dogwalk
    dogwalk Posts: 57 Member
    Hello,Yes you can lose your weight,just remember and remind your self when your eating that you are in charge you control what and how much you eat, Good luck to you the holidays have been a littlle rough with all the snacks all over,But they are over and we can get to bussiness
  • Good for you for realizing you deserve to feel better. My advice is to talk to yourself like you would talk to a dear friend. If you hear yourself disparaging YOU, step in like a good friend and set the record straight. You are worth all this effort, and you're the same good, worthwhile person whether you're 229# or 150#.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Well done for starting this journey and I wish you all the success in the world with it =) xxx
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    good for you! good luck to you throughout this journey!
  • Welcome! We're all with you!
  • Congrats! We can share the joy of this journey together. I have 50lbs to lose. I can do all things. If we set our course, and stick to a plan, we can acheive our goal. I have lost 30 lbs already. The key is to find a healthy lifestyle eating plan you can live with for the rest of your life. Get rid of yo-yo diet mindset. I have a cheerleader mindset. So, if it will help, I will cheer you on to victory!
  • Welcome!

    I hope this way works for u. I know it did for me. Now i've let myself go during 2010, due to feeling down and lonley - but now thats all over. Can't get as big as i was just because i have had a rough time. I love the site (new as well) and the app for android. Use the phone when i'm not near the computer. We can all do this together!
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