Hi everyone I am very unfit



  • lkb852
    lkb852 Posts: 1
    My biggest problem is that I can't stick with dieting and exercising. This time I'm setting smaller goals one week at a time.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Start slow.

    Seriously. Are you listening?


    It's very easy, once you've made the decision to get fit, to run full speed ahead into some workouts that are way over your head, get exhausted and sore, and give up. It's easy to get burned out with enthusiasm before you've really even given your body a chance to catch up. Please don't do that.

    30 day shred really is a good beginner workout, with lots of cardio and a bit of strength, but don't even worry about finishing it at first. I didn't, and I was very fit just a few years ago, and not terribly overweight now. That first day kicked my *kitten*, and I was sore for three days after.

    If you did 10 minutes this time, take a break until you're not so sore that you're in agony, then do 15 minutes. Work your way up. The first time you complete the video without stopping, you'll be on top of the world! Come back here and tell us so we can cheer with you!

    Walk. Every day, if you can, since you can do that even if you're sore. If you're feeling frisky, jog for 10 seconds every 5 minutes. Work your way up to jogging 10 seconds and walking 1 minute, then jogging 30 seconds, etc. until you are moving faster and farther and burning more calories. But again, start slow.

    When you're watching TV, do something. Get up and do 20 squats, see how long you can hold a plank, do some girly push-ups, even if it's just walking around the house during commercials, do something. Move. It all adds up.

    This is not a race. Having a plan with incremental gains will definitely keep you more motivated than just trying to jump right in the deep end.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    A good pair of walking shoes to start with. Eat less and move more. No need for anything too extreme or difficult.
  • thanks so much I really think your spot on I enjoy dancing so I will start small just getting up and dancing with the girls and walking on the spot :-)
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Good for you for taking the first steps toward fitness. :)

    Just be honest with yourself and be kind to yourself. Don't let small stumbles knock you off the 'fitness horse'. You'll do great!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Leslie Sansone Just Walk DVDs are great - inexpensive and can be found even at Walmart.
  • joeyzuraski
    joeyzuraski Posts: 47 Member
    I do a 30-60 minute treadmill run at 4 MPH (120 BPM average), lifting weights set to the particular muscle group. Chest today, Back tomorrow, Legs, Shoulders and Lastly arms along with Abs exercises in the morning. I also picked up T-25 for an easy to do 25 minute workout to lose body fat in my core.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    OMG seriously did 10 minutes of the 30 day shred and today I feel like I am dying. I feel like I have been in a really bad car accident, I am absolutely shattered. I think I started too big and should perhaps adjust to just walking while watching TV or something. This site is absolutely amazing I cant believe the support. Should I rest this evening or go at the shred again I dont feel like I would manage even 2 squats!!!! :drinker:

    well done for giving it a go. i remember doing 30 day shred and thought i could die and it would be jillians fault. if i sat down it hurt even just to laugh would hurt but i think its a good place to start. it really does get easier.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    thanks so much I really think your spot on I enjoy dancing so I will start small just getting up and dancing with the girls and walking on the spot :-)

    check out you tube I have tried hip hop abs with my daughter and that was fun. also leslie sansone has loads of walking at home on you tube. good luck