Rapid weight gain in short time....info please :)

The scale says I am up 3.8 pounds in one week! I know this isn't possible since I would have had to over eaten over 13000 calories. I did over eat on several occasions this week. Sunday night in excess but not 13000 calories. I did eat A LOT of processed high carb crap however. Including Chinese food, so high carb and high sodium. I did well yesterday but today the scale is even higher than yesterday. I would like to do some research on the effects of carbohydrates on water retention, any input, including related links would be appreciated. I know I just need to get back on track and give it a few days, it is completely amazing how hard it is to drop the weight but how easily it comes back on :smile:


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    High sodium can have an impact for quite a few days. As can monthly hormone/cycle. I reached a low of 152.6 on April 22nd. Had one high day the Sunday after (wiped out 1/2 of my deficit for the week) that included a TON of sodium and coincided with TOM. Was between 153.x-155 all last week. Today finally back down: 152.4.

    No info on the carb effect, but I'd say give it a week or two on the sodium & be sure to drink plenty of water each day.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Take heart that it's most likely not fat. Body weight fluctuates several pounds within a day. I know many people don't like to weigh themselves often, but I've found it informative to weigh myself at least once a day - that way I see how the weight changes, even when I haven't done anything other than move a bit and breath. Then, come weigh in day, I'm not upset that I haven't lost anything in the week, because I know that that little number jiggles up and down while over time gradually trending downward.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    Actually I weight myself almost every morning. I used to write it down on a chart. I don’t take much stock in it, expect Thursday mornings. I know that weight fluctuates throughout the day and from day to day. It is just that this week it is so much of a change. I am looking to research why. I don’t know if it is the sodium, carbohydrates, or just processed foods. It is amazing to me that the weight can fluctuate so much and am curious of what to do to help it dissipate.
  • hidbee
    hidbee Posts: 52 Member
    Actually I weight myself almost every morning. I used to write it down on a chart. I don’t take much stock in it, expect Thursday mornings. I know that weight fluctuates throughout the day and from day to day. It is just that this week it is so much of a change. I am looking to research why. I don’t know if it is the sodium, carbohydrates, or just processed foods. It is amazing to me that the weight can fluctuate so much and am curious of what to do to help it dissipate.

    first. stop weighing yourself every day.

    your body can fluctuate up to 2-3 lbs a day. It's likely water weight. You mentioned that you had indulged a little bit, maybe it's the processed foods and sodium that you are seeing reflected on the scale. Are you doing a lot of heavy weight training? When I started, I noticed a jump in my weight as well. Maybe it's your time of the month?

    I can almost 100% promise you it's not fat, but unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do to stop your body's natural process.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You'll be surprise how much weight sodium could hold. I would flush my body out with plenty of water and get back on the horse. You already lost 37 lbs. so you know the drill. Don’t worry too much, it will balance itself out.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Were never be able to work it out!

    Could be anything ..........

    High Sodium

    Too much salt

    Havent been a toilet

    Time of the month

    That's why weighing once a week is best.......... God I would drive myself mad weighing once A DAY!!!

    When you know you haven't eaten all them calories... But yet you still question yourself, It messes with your brain!

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'll try to help you out re: the carbs. If I screw something up, someone will probably point it out. :laugh:

    The way I understand it, carbs are stored as glycogen in your muscles. When you enter a long-term deficit (ie losing weight) these stores are the first to be depleted. Each gram of glycogen carries 4 grams of water along with it. That can be a LOT of weight. This is why the first couple weeks of a deficit you'll lose a lot of weight...your glycogen has been depleted.

    When you eat more carbs than the depleted body is used to, those stores begin to refill. So, you went out and had Chinese and excess carbs. Not only is that extra sodium causing bloat, but your glycogen stores have started filling back up. As you drink water to flush the bloat out and resume your normal carb load at a deficit, your glycogen will be depleted again and that weight will go away.

    This is also why people who go into maintenance have a tendency to freak out when they start eating more. Suddenly, they've gained 5 lbs and go "oh no! Maintenance doesn't work for me!" It's just glycogen. The solution to this (if that scale number really bothers you) is to cut 5 lbs past your goal, go to maintenance, and you'll be right on your target.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I weigh myself every day also. There is no harm in it, if you can emotionally detach. For some people that is almost impossible. Its helped me to learn how my body works. For 1/2 the month I'll hardly lose - or sometimes go up a little. Then it will catch up, going down 1-2 pounds all at once. Its a gradual process, I'm always losing weight, but there are often things that mask the results for the scale.
  • cmay2742
    cmay2742 Posts: 1 Member
    I'll try to help you out re: the carbs. If I screw something up, someone will probably point it out. :laugh:

    The way I understand it, carbs are stored as glycogen in your muscles. When you enter a long-term deficit (ie losing weight) these stores are the first to be depleted. Each gram of glycogen carries 4 grams of water along with it. That can be a LOT of weight. This is why the first couple weeks of a deficit you'll lose a lot of weight...your glycogen has been depleted.

    When you eat more carbs than the depleted body is used to, those stores begin to refill. So, you went out and had Chinese and excess carbs. Not only is that extra sodium causing bloat, but your glycogen stores have started filling back up. As you drink water to flush the bloat out and resume your normal carb load at a deficit, your glycogen will be depleted again and that weight will go away.

    This is also why people who go into maintenance have a tendency to freak out when they start eating more. Suddenly, they've gained 5 lbs and go "oh no! Maintenance doesn't work for me!" It's just glycogen. The solution to this (if that scale number really bothers you) is to cut 5 lbs past your goal, go to maintenance, and you'll be right on your target.

    +1 The weight is more than likely a result of your glycogen stores being replenished and the water that's bonded to those stores. To gain 4 pounds, you wouldn't just need to eat 14,000 calories, but 14,000 calories in excess of you TDEE. The upshot is that when you return to your deficit, this weight will go as quickly as it came.
  • madschum1
    madschum1 Posts: 3
    Has anyone ever suggested you might havd gluten ingolerance or wheat intolerance. If that is a problem, it can cause inflamation in your digestive tract. Then your body reacts by surrounding the inflamation with fluid, and there you are. One way to find out is to cut out wheat from your diet, but believe me I know it is easier said than done.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you all for the great input. I do realize it isn’t true fat. I was just trying to get a handle on the why, I think I do now. Thanks so much for the input. I do not have celiac, but I do believe I have a gluten intolerance as well as lactose intolerance. When I am eating on plan, I eat very close to wheat free and I feel much better. Just had a few bad days  But I am back on the horse now. Yesterday and today have been good days. Again thanks for the very informative input 