Resons to keep going

I began my diet in March of 2013, weighing 245 pounds. I started walking 2 miles every single day during my lunch breaks at work and staying right at (close to) 1400 calories per day. Slowly the weight started coming off.

By the first week of July, I was down 30 pounds to 215. I looked better and felt great. My self esteem was building. Sadly though, I started to get off track. My family and I took a vacation to Galveston, TX and I indulged in seafood and eating out. I also hit a major roadblock in October. Winter hit us here in Iowa which meant my walking 2 miles per day stopped as well as most of my outdoor activities. Over the winter months I put 15 pounds back on and felt bad about myself.

I felt unmotivated and I felt like I had failed.....

Then, just this month, the weather is getting better and I have started walking again and logging my meals and just like that I have lost 5 pounds.... This is my second start and I look forward to losing another 30 pounds this summer. In all... I am 20 pounds down from where I originally started.

I am not one of these people who lose 100 pounds in 5 months. It's been a slower journey for me and I still have work to do. I have bad days where I eat too much but I let the next day be a new start for me.... I don't ever give up trying to diet and exercise.

My message to all of you is don't quit. If you have a short spell of falling off the wagon, just get back up, brush yourself off and try again. You may fail at a few dieting attempts (we all do) but as long as you keep trying you will do it. Maybe not the first or second time.

You only lose is you quit trying. So what if you have a day where you go over your calorie count. Just get up the next morning and try, try, try again. You can do it...


  • jamesolmos
    jamesolmos Posts: 35 Member
    Fantastic post! I always try to remember that - If you quit, no day will ever be YOUR day. Always fail forward :)