The Craig's List of Workout/Fitness Buddies (Workout Buddie

I figure that I am not the only one that could use a buddy in this weight loss journey. I thought that anyone who is interested could post a little info about themselves and possibly their buddy wish list and then they could send a friend request to their perspective buddy. Once you've got a buddy (you could always have more than one) you could IM, email, comment on pages/blogs (etc.) on a regular basis to motivate each other. :smile:

It would probably be helpful to include the following information:

Current Weight:
Goal Weight:
Misc. Info:

Looking for a buddy (buddies) who...

I'll go first:

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Current Weight: 156 lbs
Short-Term Goal Weight: 136 lbs (by July 1st)
Long-Term Goal Weight: 115 lbs (by Dec 14th)
Misc. Info: I'm a very picky eater and have a hard time finding food that I am willing to eat that is good for me and low cal. I also do best when I have a buddy that helps me stay motivated and keeps me accountable. I'm married, have two kids, and work full-time as a 2nd grade teacher.

Looking for a buddy (male or female) who will check in with me often, help keep me motivated, and who will be supportive and hold me accountable. I will do the same for my buddy. :bigsmile:


  • sweetiekayk
    Great idea. I need a buddy to message me randomly through the day. "Put down that cookies!" "Don't drink that soda!" "Pull out of the mcDonald's parking lot!" That kind of stuff.

    Age: 30
    currently: 172lbs
    short term: 150lbs by March 1
    Long term: 125lbs by August 1
    Extra stuff: I'm a single mom with 3 kids, work at home. Needs someone to keep my butt off the couch while my kids are at school. And to remind me to record my stuff on here. Male or female.
  • Teach224
    I would love a buddy! I am...
    Age: 24
    Gender: F
    Height: 5'4
    Current Weight: 160
    Goal Weight: 135
    Timeline: would love to lose 15-20 by the end of Feb. for my birthday!
    Misc. Info: I am starting a new workout- the insanity workout. I am also going to try to just count calories eat lots of protein and veggies, and stay away from carbs. I am single and in my second year of teaching. It is hard to stay on a diet because I go out to dinner a lot and I am constantly on the go!

    Looking for a buddy (buddies) who... will help me stay motivated with workouts! I am an emotional eater and need someone who will keep me accountable as well as give support.