Birthday Cake for someone with prediabetes?

LizaJ2 Posts: 4 Member
I'm googling! But there's so much I don't know about prediabetes :S
Can anyone tell me what they think about making my mother (who was recently diagnosed with prediabetes) an angel food cake for her birthday? I was thinking of just putting cool whip for topping and strawberries.... but I'd like to fancy it up a little. Any thoughts/comments/suggestions/recipes welcomed!


  • StephIntrepid
    StephIntrepid Posts: 34 Member
    I'm not a doctor, so don't sue me. Prediabetes is your mother's body giving her a warning that she needs to make some healthy life changes. Angel food cake is pretty high in sugar, and adding Cool Whip is probably worse than real whipped cream. Hydrogenated oils, which are found in margarine and Cool Whip, are also known as trans-fats, which are linked to high cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease (in super-short terms). Hydrogen is added to oils which extends shelf-life of products, but also makes it more likely that you're going to get some plaque in your arteries.

    I'm way off-track though. I think that baking your mom a cake is a great way to control what is actually in the cake - think about a cake that doesn't need as much sugar, like a banana cake? Apple cake? Carrot cake? If you want to get super healthy for your mom's birthday, you might think about substituting apple sauce for butter or oil needed for the cake.

    Good Luck, and Happy Birthday to your mom!
  • helloreenie
    helloreenie Posts: 25 Member
    my aunt has diabetes. angel food cake is like, the best dessert for her because it's low(er) in sugar. i did a quick google and there are TONS of recipes. (i am sure of this because she is in a rehab facility right now for some injuries and the dietetic restrictions are closely monitored--angel food cake is like, the most consistent dessert offered). fancy it up with the designs of the strawberries or maybe food coloring in the frosting?
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm diabetic. The real sugar and fat is in the frosting. Angel food cake doesn't have less sugar than other cakes, just less fat, and isn't usually served with the real culprit, frosting. I usually get a cake mix, and follow the 2-ingredient directions from hungry girl. Then have cool whip, or cream cheese frosting made with splenda, or the pudding frosting on the hungrygirl site.