extra skin

junnipr Posts: 18 Member
to keep the story short: I started working out to lose weght in October 2012 with 260lb and 35% BF. today(May 2014) im weighting 170 and 10% BF. Which is cool! Right? hehe.
I have my muscles and even some abs can be seen. the problem i have is skin hanging the the stomach area, lats and thighs. I was wondering if someone know solutions for it, other than surgery! im not a big fan of the surgery idea.
For the stretch marks im using cocoa butter ointment or simple lotion to mouisture the area.

any idea?


  • ginalovefire
    Keep exercising, feed your skin from the inside out with a healthy diet and it will eventually tighten up. It may take some time, but be patient.
  • hairyjerry
    hairyjerry Posts: 4
    Stay hydrated. Skin is most elastic (which also means most able to tighten) when it's well hydrated, so drink plenty of water. Good luck and, as another has said, stay patient!
  • onlyjulz
    onlyjulz Posts: 11 Member
    I have a large amount of weight to lose and Im concerned about loose skin.. I have done a little research and so far working out.. drinking lots of water and skin stimulation seem to be most helpful.. For skin stimulation most suggest using a dry loofah in a circular motion to increase circulation bringing nutrients to the surface. Also eat a diet that includes proper nourishment for healthy skin (vitamin A, vitamin C,vitamin E, Zinc, Iron) Im sure there are more
  • onlyjulz
    onlyjulz Posts: 11 Member
    losing weight at a slower pace is also advised but Im not a big fan of that one
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    Hey there! Congrats on all your hard work and amazing results! That's dedication if I've ever heard it!

    In relation to your problem, I must say that age does have a lot to do with it. The younger you are, the more likely you will be able to snap back without surgery. That being said, in cases of extreme loss, surgery is usually the only option. Muscle strengthening, good scar creams (like Mama Mio brand or BioOil) and a healthy diet will all help IMMENSELY, but in the end- you still may need to take the plunge. I'd say to use all the other methods and give them plenty of time (it may take well over a year because of how slowly things like that take to really "regenerate")
    For example, the FIRST day of my new exercise plan (January 5th 2013) I cut my ankle at the gym really bad. It healed quick enough, but I JUST got the scar to the point where it isn't readily noticeable (using prescription strength scar removal creams including heavy retinoids) Meanwhile, I have stretch marks that have JUST finally started to fade from my teenage years. Skin is a rough thing- it's super forgiving and not forgiving at all at the same time.

    Decide what is best for YOU. No one is forcing you to get the surgery, and if the excess skin isn't really affecting your life- then there is no problem living with it. Your SO and loved ones will still love you with extra skin (and if they don't, get rid of THEM first!) However, many people do have enough problems with their extra skin to warrant them going under the knife. It's mostly about severity and how it's affecting you. My aunt went from upper 300's in her young adult life to about 150lbs in her later years after she was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic. She had extra skin on her arms and neck, which over the years has snapped back some on it's own, but surgery wasn't even an option at that time (this was 15+ years ago) It didn't really affect her or how she felt in outfits, so she didn't need to go through that anyway. She even got married and looked amazing in her dress with no real work to hide it.

    It's mostly about how YOU feel. If you want quick and definite results (albeit with the risks of general anesthesia) then do surgery. If you are patient and can deal with the results being slightly less dramatic, definitely go the treat and wait route.

    Good luck with whatever route you choose! You've made fantastic progress with your body and don't let excess skin ever detract from that motivation.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    losing weight at a slower pace is also advised but Im not a big fan of that one
    Why not?

    Having healthy goals and setting a lifestyle change is key, as opposed to a crash diet and then gaining it all back.
  • junnipr
    junnipr Posts: 18 Member
    i did lost weight a bit fast but this past 7 months i've being doing it at slow slow pace, because i dont believe in diets anymore. I just change my lifestyle! My eating habits are great now! About the skin, is not something that is bothering me to the point of making me feel bad! i was just curious if there was more people that experienced the same thing and how they managed it!
    i know it might take time(months, or maybe years). Im still 28 so i know i have time!!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    the problem i have is skin hanging the the stomach area, lats and thighs. I was wondering if someone know solutions for it, other than surgery!

    No, sorry. If there WERE products that tightened skin noticeably, they would be FDA regulated substances, because inappropriate usage by those who didn't need it would cause major problems!

    Since you're relatively young, much of it may snap back by itself within 1-2 years, regardless of what you do. Do you do strength training? Doing full-body lifting will help fill in some of the space with muscle.