back again! would like supportive friends

Hey guys! My name is brittany! I guess I originally joined MFP in 2012 :/ since then ive gained 27 lbs! Obviously I wasnt using it haha! My goal is to go down to 135. My question is this: im 5'4 and my "recommend body weight" is between 111 and 134 the thing is, at 135 I already look like a bag of bones. Ive never really built muscle though, so im sure that played into it. I used to take phenteramine. Sure it worked, but ive gained all the weight I lost plus 20 :(. My other problem is I just quit smoking less then a month ago. So im fighting that weight gain too!

So, any advice? I want to lose weight but I want to look good too. Me and my dog have just started (like today) going on walks until we can build endurance to run. I wear a fitbit flex for helping out with tracking. But I cant afford the gym. Even planet fitness is $20/month. But cutting out the processed food has eaten into spare change. So ideas would be awesome!!!! And how to avoid being hungry all the time! I cant eat wheat (allergic) and I chow down celery and apples with peanut butter and popcorn trying to get some sort of fiber. Any other ideas???

I apologize if this makes no sence, I tend to be all over


  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    You are all over the place, and that's epic.

    Don't worry about recommended body weight and BF% hyperbole. When you get to wear (pun) you are happy with what you see, then you have arrived at your place. I'm a 5'11" guy and "they" want me to weigh 139 (on the low end). Never going to happen and don't want it to.

    No gym=no problem. Do body weight exercises like pushups, squats, crunches, etc. If you do enough with the right form and intensity they will get you where you want to go same as a membership.

    Food. How can you be spending more on unprocessed food than processed food? Sorry but that one makes no sense.
  • orangebeachgirl
    orangebeachgirl Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me if you like. Hopefully we can encourage each other!

    Body weight exercises are great if you can't get to a gym. I think strength training is a big help.

    I do agree that eating unprocessed food is more expensive. It takes planning as well. Just have to take it one day at a time. We can do this!
  • cowbooger
    cowbooger Posts: 10
    Thanks guys! I guess I just need the motivation! My biggest problem is not having the motivation to get going. I'll admit I'm a lazy slob haha!
  • Willdta
    Willdta Posts: 11
    Feel free to add me! I track all my foods everyday. :)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You must be curvy, then. I'm also 5'4 but petite. My heaviest was 139 and I looked bloated. I'm better off in the low 120's.
  • Dalton1720
    Dalton1720 Posts: 104
    Hi Brittany and welcome back!

    I understand eating healthy can get pricy. Im at the grocery store every two days stocking up on produce because I go through it so quickly, but then again I'm not the best planner. My advice would be to buy healthy foods you know you enjoy to start with. When I first made my lifestyle change I bought a whole bunch of perishables that ended up rotting in my fridge because I didn't know what to do with them and/or didn't care for them. Also planning weakly meals helps so you don't buy more than you need and can reuse ingredients.

    As for the gym, Yes that can get pricy too. :/ Walking your dog is a great start though! Cardio does wonders, but strength training is just as important in my opinion. Before I joined a gym I would watch Blogilates with Cassie on Youtube! She has hundreds or videos that target every area you could imagine. She also has a great attitude and makes working out almost fun. Check her out sometime!

    Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • cowbooger
    cowbooger Posts: 10
    You must be curvy, then. I'm also 5'4 but petite. My heaviest was 139 and I looked bloated. I'm better off in the low 120's.

    I am :) Idk if I should be glad or not haha. I really wish my boobs would go away some! Haha
  • gallen2O
    gallen2O Posts: 15 Member
    Girl I totally understand! I'm 5'4 and curvy as well. I want to get to 145. The size I am now doesn't even look bad because it evens out since I'm thick in all the right places ;) but I still don't like my body. Can't wait til I reach my goal! I'm gonna be so happy :) add me! I love motivating folks!