Drop weight fast and then plateau

servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
This is the second time this has happened to me. The first time I was on MFP I ate at my calorie goal +/- 50 calories, ate most of my exercise calories (until I was comfortably full) took the occasional cheat day every couple of weeks, and lost 8 pounds in about 5 weeks.

Then, for the next month... nothing. Not an ounce. I didn't gain, I didn't lose. I tried to switch up my workouts, zig zag my calories, everything.

I don't want to lose much weight, just about 12 pounds. People were telling me my "set point" might be at 122, which... OK, I guess. If it is, it is. I just honestly don't think it is. My ideal weight on my small frame would be 118, maybe 120, but I'd definitely prefer 118.

Is this a common thing, to lose a lot right off and then get stuck there? Anything I can do differently?


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    When you have very little to lose, and very little body fat to burn, it's much harder. One big reason is that the body won't really transport fat from one area to the area that needs the fuel, it's too much work. So if the area of your body that needs some energy/fuel is closer to muscle, the body will break down some muscle rather than pulling fat from somewhere else. So strength training is very important to keep up your muscle tone. It's also extremely important to watch what you eat because you have less wiggle room.
  • My mom has the same problem and is very annoyed about it. I would try toning some more. You wont see weight loss in numbers but it helped me gain shape and lose fat in return for lean muscle. It wont make the number drop much but it makes you look better! Hope this helps! Good luck! :wink:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I feel your pain. I went from 133 to 118 and have been bouncing around there ever since. I would love to break through to 115 or 110, but I can't seem to make it happen. I don't really buy into starvation mode; eating more has never got me anywhere
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