Um, what?



  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Here's one more vote for LongIsland's post, and also my take on things.

    1. Whether I was eating healthy or not, I wouldn't eat a second meal if I had just had one. If she buys it for you and you want it, put it in the fridge and save it for when you have room in your day for fast food - but keep in mind that if you eat it, your friend will likely continue to buy you food.

    2. I think you need to communicate with your friend. Nothing is going to get better if she makes dismissive comments and actions, and you continue to silently resent this behavior. You seem to feel bad because she's trying to be nice and include you - but you have to remind yourself that she is also being rude by disrespecting your wishes. She hopefully wouldn't act like this if you developed a food allergy or sensitivity; she has to understand that, while it may not be immediately life threatening (like an allergy), you are still making a choice about your health, and as your friend, you want her support.

    3. Maybe if you subtly remind her about other things you have in common, she will feel less abandoned - however, don't put this situation on yourself. If you go out to see a movie, go bowling, or visit a museum, food might be part of the activity, but it's not the main part of your time together. If she enjoys time with you that doesn't involve unhealthy habits, maybe she will feel better about this change in you, and your friendship. Like I said though, if your friend can't or won't respect your wishes, then that may not be a problem you can change; you're trying to hold the relationship together, but if she isn't willing to meet you halfway, don't blame yourself if things come to an end.

    Good luck!
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    gosh this is really bizarre, the only one who tries to push food at me is my mum. She is your friend you need to be straight with her. Nothing wrong with her eating and you having your water. I can have a peppermint tea whilst friends are eating in a cafe.

    My mom and sister too. House is always full of junk. But, no excuses, you control what goes in.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Talk to her about it...
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Tell her No means No and you're disappointed that she's not supporting you during your journey. If she wants to eat stuff that's fine but pressuring you isn't what a best friend should be doing.

    Yes she may be struggling and need help as well, but you cant let others take you down.