Hi. I'm new here and I really need support.



  • danielleknoll
    danielleknoll Posts: 2 Member
    Just a bit of insite: I am 5-5"/130lbs and I am on 2100 calories to maintain. So the 2000 for you, is not a lot at all. Focus on eating lots of veggies and lean proteins :) The good thing is your body has quite a bit of muscle and it is used to joint stress, so just moving will be like a strength workout for you. The more you move, the more your body will increase that muscle and the more you will burn at rest. Start small... anything you can do and build from there! get rid of all processed snacks/foods and sugars, you will be amazed at just that. You may have some energy depletion while your body adjusts to the sugar low. You got this!!!
  • danielleknoll
    danielleknoll Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I just sent you a request. I'm Karla and I started at 320 or so in June 2011. I am now down to about 210 and trying to break through this plateau I hit. I'd be happy to provide to support and see you do we'll. I need friends so everyone feel free to add me. I was at 238 when I joined MFP last may.

    Karla, this is AWESOME!!! Congrats!!
    EVIEPINA1 Posts: 2
    hi everyone

    im new here also, week 2 and this is the first time ive ever had the notion n determination to do this. im not one for much interaction but need support to help me, i like amy dont know what im meant to be eating but i have a holiday abroad in 8 weeks and know im still gonna be fat when i go but i hope to feel better about myself than i do now. I also have been signed off work with serious depression due to issues within the workplace but i feel so much better already, I cant run to save myself but I thought as someone who is super unfit ill buy a wii and have been doing 30 mins 4/5 days a week, may i just add that i can barely bend down cos every bone in my body is crying out for help lol, hoping to meet people like me, not wee skinny people that have never had a weight issue in there life
  • smann1115
    smann1115 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • jan5500
    jan5500 Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome, Amy. Good for you for doing this for yourself and your daughter. Keep it up. You can do it. Seeing someone else change can be hard for many people to accept. Don't let anyone else's fears or lack of support stop you. Depression is something many of us here share. When you start eating right, that should become less severe and should go away all together as you get healthier. Protein, veggies, lots of water and balanced supplements are key.
  • jeanstudies
    jeanstudies Posts: 81 Member
    He's not the most supportive person in the world when it comes to this, and insists on desserts in the house. I can usually stay away from them, for some reason once I've baked it I don't care to eat it.

    I'm questioning the 2000 calories a day though. That seems like a lot. I thought I'd have to go down to 1500 or so to lose anything. I got discouraged yesterday.

    Hi Amy, it is really cool that you are doing this! Thanks for your post and try not to get discouraged. At "just" 255 pounds my BodyMedia armband (the ones they used on "The Biggest Loser") shows that I burn almost 1800 a day without exercising at all, so the 2000 calorie count may not be unreasonable.

    I'd say, just practice at staying within that, and see how it goes. That's a struggle for me, and even if I eat some high-calorie desert I force myself (um, mostly) to enter it, and then see how it affects my remaining allowed calories at the end of the day. This is the first time in my life I have tracked and I realize now how MUCH I had been eating before. I STINK at weight loss and have a lot to learn, I am GOING to screw it up from time to time, but this is a long-term process. Down 17 but have another 99 to go....

    Try to work around hubby's problem, probably he will come around. One hurdle at a time, I'd say. Go get 'em!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hi Amy!! I was in a very similar situation. Right before I started MFP I had just moved 3000 miles from home to be with my now husband without knowing anyone and became so depressed, I rarely left the house. My husband is addicted to fast food. I soon took on his addiction and already being overweight, I put on about 120lbs in a year. So, I found this site and started at 405lbs!! I have been where you are. I did it on my own. He wasn't ready to change. I would log my calories and still go out and get him fast food, having to smell it and bring it back to him. That was hard. Really hard, but I am used to doing that now. You just know that they aren't going to change. You have to be in the mindset that whatever you do is for you and it is for TODAY.

    As for results, I bet you have lost quite a bit. I have to lose about 40lbs before notice in my clothes because I am so used to wearing baggy clothes. I bet you are the same way. The best way to tell is buy a tape measure. They are cheap and less temperamental then a stupid scale!!
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Amy! You've found a great spot to start with your new lifestyle! Get a great group of friends around you for support, and don't let a bad meal or a bad day get you down!
  • margelarry1969
    margelarry1969 Posts: 2 Member
    Amy, I just joined today also. You are right...this will be a struggle for both of us, but just take it one day at a time. I will be your weight buddy if you need one. In former diets, I found that the less sugar I intake the faster the weight comes off, so think twice about those desserts. Go for some fresh fruit instead. Good Luck, Marge
  • geminichica
    geminichica Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amy, This is my first post on here and I just wanted to say fair play to you taking this step, it is hard and even more so when you don't have the support at home. I would advise to try and have "bad stuff" for him in that you don't like then its less tempting. My husband is not overweight but eats what he wants and not very healthily, loving sweet things, so I feel your pain on that score. I have had three children in the last 5 years and my baby girl is 9 months old and I am just fed up of stopping and starting dieting and always being overweight, I have about 60lbs to lose which feels like a mountain. I am doing C25K along side the MFP. Could you try doing some exercise in the house so as you are more comfortable, a dvd or you tube or something? MFP tells me 1200 and I find that hard to stick to when I am eating healthy stuff but still reach 1200 very fast.
  • zeezy5164
    zeezy5164 Posts: 1
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me for motivation and I post all the time!
  • SexiLexi1989
    SexiLexi1989 Posts: 31 Member
    I am a Katie and I am new too. My SIL just sent me the link to this site and i decided it looked interesting enough to try it..

    I just logged my calorie intake and exercise for the first time, today. I am 43 years old and kinda active.

    My physician told me that at my age, I would have to work out about 3 hours a day to actually lose weight due to how my metabolism is at this station in life--and this was unreasonable--so I would HAVE to also work on eating healthier--It makes sense.

    When I was in my 20's I could modify just a few things and drop pounds very quickly. Now, I have to go strictly by the guidelines just for a measly 2 pounds per week. And while 2 pounds are not something we often feel great about, IF we continue on our path those 2 pounds will add up to 8..in just 4 weeks!
    In 2 months you are close to dropping 20 pounds--and that IS significant, no matter how much you weigh.

    I wouldn't bother trying to get reassurance through measuring how your cloths feel just yet, try so hard to focus on meeting each days goal. And if you slip, just jump back on your path the next day. Don't give in to failure!

    For me: i have to remind myself that Failing to meet my goal is NOT an option! When i cheat or go over my calorie intake for the day, the next day i just start right back over like yesterday didn't matter.

    I don't know how to add you as a Buddy yet or how to email (if you can on this site) or private chat (if you can do that either) but if so feel free to contact me and we can use support each other!
    I have my profile set to public so you can see what's going on with me each day. You'll be able to see that some days i'll be perfectly on target and others...BLAH!

    I wish you every bit of strength so you can meet your goal, and while it will be a LONG journey for you (and me) its going to be so nice watching the progress and learning things along the way.

    I have honestly been SURPRISED at how little I know about nutrition and "healthy"..I am 43 years old and am just starting to try to understand what food is supposed to mean in my life, and how its supposed to be used.

    BTW..I have been calorie counting for about 3 weeks and I honestly can tell a MAJOR difference in how I feel. I have eliminated bags of chips and candy bars, physically and mentally I just feel better. I WANT to get up each day and move around. I WANT to accomplish my goal for the day.. And this is a BIG difference in me verses just a month ago.. My cloths don't fit any differently yet I have 8 pounds..:)

    So hang in there and use all the tools provided to help you meet your goals. And lets hope this site also helps us build a great support system and lifetime friends along the way.
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi I'm Valerie. Feel free to add me, and welcome to MFP! It has been a godsend to me, personally, as well as countless others. Just keep logging your foods like you've been doing, and try to get moving around a little more each day. Every little bit helps! I understand that tempting foods in the house is unavoidable. I live with my parents and three kids. My parents are very unhealthy and love junk foods. I try to keep healthy options here for the kids, but they still have a lot of snacks that I try to avoid...like gummy snacks, chips, children's cereals, etc. I've learned that once you truly get into the habit of eating healthier foods, that the cravings for junk go away. I used to not be able to avoid something like doughnuts or a big cheeseburger. Now foods like that are a huge turn off. Even thinking about them or looking at them makes my stomach turn a bit. As you get used to eating healthier, your tastes will change. Good luck!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi Amy, I sent you an invitation to our group, I think it would really help you. Please add me too.
  • kbessey04
    kbessey04 Posts: 17
    Hi!! I too am relatively new and let me start by saying welcome!! My fiance is exactly the same way with desserts and insists on bringing home my favorites, even though he knows I have zero will power.

    Let me give you my background,

    I'm 26 and 5'3, i recently weighed in at my all time highest of 263. Last summer I lose 40 pounds on MFP, then over the course of this winter I not only gained back the 40, but another 10. I have ZERO energy, and I honestly believe I'm addicted to food in general. I'm looking for someone who would be interested in doing little challenges with me, maybe each week, or each day, we can start a little challenge. For me, I'm not physically fit in any way, and a half a mile walk absolutely winds me! So a challenge may be to walk 2 miles in a week, or to drink 8 glasses of water every day for a week, something simple. I think if the focus is more on small steps, I need small steps. I need to lose 60 pounds to even be slightly close to a healthy weight, and I think we could be useful for one another.. If anyone else is interested in adding me, please do. Also, if anyone is interested in these little challenges, maybe we could figure something out to be successful together?
  • candace71
    candace71 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey sweet lady, we're all here for support! Your not here alone! Trust me!! You take each day one day at a time! I love MFP it really puts those calories in my face and keeps me in check! Sometimes I think OMG there's no telling how many I was putting down before I started logging!!! It takes time to drop weight after all we didn't put it on overnight! I'm here girl. Add me as a friend!! Anybody for that matter! We can do this together!!!!????????
  • JFJahnke
    JFJahnke Posts: 2 Member
    The fact that you got mooed at is ridiculous.
    Everyone struggles in their own way and I just hate people who are rude for no reason.
    You can do it. Log everyday, and you'll get there one day at a time. We all will :)
    I've got a stupid amount of faith in you :)
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi and welcome! You've made the right choice for yourself, just remember it is for you and no one else. You can do this! It won't always be easy, but you will fee such accomplishment in yourself. That and the health you gain make this worth the journey. Everyone here is very supportive and helpful! If you're on Facebook there is also am MFP motivation group on there that I love! The link is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MFPMotivation/

    Feel free to send a friend request. Happy to help and support you!
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I've been here on MFP for the past 3 weeks so I'm still somewhat new. I have 100 pounds to lose (maybe more after that?) and I've already lost 8 pounds.

    If you said you don't own a scale, it might be good to get one, so that you can monitor your progress. You don't need to weigh in often, just once or twice a month if you like. That way MFP can help you re-calculate your calories as you lose.

    Sorry you don't have support at home. I have very loving family, but they don't understand my struggles. Unfortunately no one in my close family has or has ever had a major weight problem. I apparently inherited the metabolism of my two grandmothers, haha...And I'm also an emotional/stress eater. That's what makes MFP so awesome - everyone here can relate to me and my struggles, and I get support that I've been wishing I had at home. When I get discouraged my MFP friends encourage me and know exactly what to say!

    Also, when you have a lot to lose, it takes longer for friends and family to notice your loss. That can get discouraging. Last time I Iost weight I dropped 30 pounds and no one said a word. I was discouraged. Here on MFP I can talk about my loss or post pictures and I get lots of encouragement. So I don't feel as much of a need for my family/friends to notice and compliment my loss. Hope that makes sense...

    So I would suggest, don't worry about much exercise right now, just track your calories and try to stay under goal, monitor your progress with a scale or at least take measurements, and take some "before" pictures. Even if the scale doesn't budge and you feel discouraged, you can look at your photos and measurements and see progress!

    Oh, and make as many MFP friends as you can, those who have a lot to lose, and we can help each other get to goal!