Time to lose the weight

Hi all,
Just another of the many people planning to make some changes with the new year and shed some pounds.
I was athletic as a child, but in adolescence I discovered the joys of laziness. I was never overly thin, but I certainly didn't struggle too much with weight. When I first moved out of my parents home I started to gain weight. I went from 160 to over 200 before I decided that enough was enough. I made some changes to my diet, and that combined with a huge amount of stress from a failing marriage caused me to lose all the weight I'd gained. I managed to keep it off for a while but eventually the pounds started to come back when I switched from a fairly active job to a desk job. I was strongly motivated to lose it again by an upcoming vacation last year, and did manage to get near to my previous weight. This past summer was a very difficult time in my life and I allowed myself to succumb to depression and overate without keeping an eye on what I was eating. Now that I'm over 200lbs again, I'm officially sick and tired of being overweight and not fitting into most of my clothes. I decided to start watching my diet and exercising again starting tomorrow.
My husband has agreed to make the changes with me, so hopefully together we can make it work!


  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Welcome Regina,

    You are in the right place. .. :)
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome! I hope you achieve all your goals =)
  • bhealthy03
    Keep at it! You're on the right track. I'm in the same boat you're in. I weight the most I've ever weighed before in my life. I can't believe I'm over 200 but I am determined to take the weight off. Just take it one day at a time. We're all here to support you!