happy new year health seekers.

TJKelly Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
beware the trap of feeling like you fail if you blow the diet for 1 day. think of it as a day you treated yourself, and you deserved it, but you need more days that you sacrificed a little, too. you will see your psyche will become stronger and that will help you "win the war". if you are CONSISTENT and HONEST while using this site, you will learn enough tools to succeed, i have. 13 lbs in 4 months and in control... one day at a time. i now see my "bad days" are actually good days; meaning, i ate the food i really loved without guilt. now that's a good day if i ever heard one!

best of luck and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Tim K.


  • oh *LIKE* - Totally agree!!! you just need to plan around it, kind of...if you know you have a function coming up, you know you will probably have a blowout. Be consistent leading up to it and it shouldn't cause too much of a 'bump' in the scales... waist line....and ok if the bump is bigger than expected, then just 'get back on the bike' (no pun intended)... just get back to your usual exercise / eating routine and it will melt away before you know it.

    The hardest part is finding what 'routine' works for you - it took me a few months to 'tweek' my routine and make it work, but now I understand my body sooooo much more MFP is fantastic!!

    Happy New Year Tim K... and everyone else out there !! :drinker:
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