Run Keeper App

angf0679 Posts: 1,121 Member
I have the Run Keeper App on my phone to track my distance I walk, speed and calories. For the last few days it's not starting to track my distance, speed or calories for at least 5-7 minutes into the walk. I keep the phone in my hand as most of the time it does not track if it is in my pocket. Has anyone else who uses this app have the same issue?

I don't know if cloud coverage would affect it, but it has been cloudy for every walk this week. However, Monday and Tuesday it worked just fine. Since Wednesday it hasn't.


  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I had a run two weeks ago, where it said I started back in the fields behind my house... um... no... I started at my front door! Lol! Hubs told me it had a hard time picking up my location. It is not 100% accurrate... but I like to use it so I have an idea of how far/how fast.
  • jander215
    jander215 Posts: 3 Member
    It may be the signal coverage for the GPS...I found if you just hang out and wait a minute to make sure the GPS bars above the activity box lights up green and says "good" it should work better. I had the same issue when I would just start right away without looking at the signal.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I use the Nike+ app and have never had any issues with it. Maybe switch apps? :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    ALL GPS apps are dependent on your phone hardware. If you don't get a solid GPS fix before starting out, the app has no way of getting the required data. Your phone GPS also has a margin of error built in .... plus or minus ten meters is a good guess for most modern phones under good conditions. Holding it in your hand or burying it in a pocket can increase that error through degraded signal reception.
  • jaysull21
    jaysull21 Posts: 58
    I had trouble with both runkeeper and mapmyrun with another app that was also using gps at the time.... Wasn't hosing up my path, but kept shutting the phone down. Not sure how it works with other phones, but I was able to turn off 'location services' for certain apps on my iPhone... Once I limited it to what I needed , it was fine. I turn off the apps before my run, then turn them on back after.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I have the Run Keeper App on my phone to track my distance I walk, speed and calories. For the last few days it's not starting to track my distance, speed or calories for at least 5-7 minutes into the walk. I keep the phone in my hand as most of the time it does not track if it is in my pocket. Has anyone else who uses this app have the same issue?

    I don't know if cloud coverage would affect it, but it has been cloudy for every walk this week. However, Monday and Tuesday it worked just fine. Since Wednesday it hasn't.

    More likely to be an issue with your phone GPS rather than the application itself.

    The GPS signal from the spacecraft is in a range that's absorbed by water, so rain, and vegetation can both affect it. Cloud cover shouldn't unless you're at a very high latitude. It may also depend on how you're holding it, with the moist tissue also attenuating the signal.

    All thats aid I do find Runkeeper tempramental if it doesn't have a good lock before starting.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I know alot of people like to use their phones for this stuff, but i prefer to use a GPS watch and untether from the phone.

    Too many distractions, and the size, of the phone can be had. PLus..bad weather, rain, sweat, etc, can wreak havoc.

    I like my runs to be a time where I disconnect from the world and sort of relax.
  • amazedbyyoux
    amazedbyyoux Posts: 6 Member
    Depending on how I set up my run/walk, sometimes there is a 5 min warm up added in the beginning that doesn't get included with the rest of the stats. Not sure if that's what is happening to you or if it's something with the GPS signal. Just an idea :)