
Been here a couple of days and doing really well so far adjusting to this lifestyle change. I am 24 years old, I am a mother to one 6 year old boy, who has a ton of energy! My weight loss journey started around two weeks ago, first my son called me fat, and no I don't blame him, he doesn't understand at 6 and is just very honest. I explained to him that it is hurtful to call people names, but yes I am overweight. I started cutting out soda, to get rid of extra sugar and excess calories that are not needed. So I was doing good on that but not changing anything else, or looking at the food I was eating. The next week we went to King's Island and I was going to ride the new roller coaster banshee which is now the longest inverted roller coaster in the world. I love roller coasters! we waited an hour got up there and they couldn't get me in no matter how hard they tried. I was devastated and also super embarrassed doing the walk of shame in front of so many people. I cried all the way home, and decided I was DONE living like this and it is time to make a change! I started doing a lot of research online how exactly to go about it and found this place. Never in my life would I have thought a website would motivate me so much, but it has and I am grateful to have found it. So I would love to find new friends in my journey, where we can lose weight together, or we can just leave positive notes for each other. Also we all need constructive criticism so that would be a nice thing to receive from people who have already had success. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.


  • josiemarie982
    josiemarie982 Posts: 33 Member
    feel free to add me, im a mother of a 11yr son and determined to lose weight for good but do have my ups and downs so happy to share it along the way
  • AHealthyMe1lbAtATime
    AHealthyMe1lbAtATime Posts: 188 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I am looking to lose about 25 more pounds!
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! I am sorry about your experiences. I total understand the walk of shame feeling and it is terrible. I started my journey about 2 months ago. My motivation is my future family. I have been married 2 years and I want to be as healthy as possible before we start a family. I am already down 12 lbs so its a good start. I have been active over 70 days so feel free to add me. I try to be a good motivator!
  • Dalton1720
    Dalton1720 Posts: 104
    Sometimes it takes bad experiences to wake a person up! So really it was a blessing in disguise. Your walk of shame is now your first step forward to a better you! :) Good luck! I know you can do this! (:
  • DenaThib
    DenaThib Posts: 2
    Congrats! You've taken the first step which is deciding to lose weight and become healthier. Your experience was propably a blessing in disquise because it got you to where you are now. Have faith in yourself and know that you are able to do whatever you put your mind to. Just keep at it and in time you'll see results. Be encouraged!