Weight crept up on me !

Hi Fitness Pals,

Good to read your stories. I gained loads after I got married and then lost my Mum. Need to lose weight now for health reasons and just to feel better about myself. Also been told to lose weight to conceive.

I didn't realise how much weight I put on and then I caught my reflection in a shop window and couldn't believe it. I suppose I was in denial about it.

I lost weight about four years ago with WW but I don't like their new system. I prefer just calorie counting. I tend not to weigh things though maybe I should do that.

So hello everyone and I am enjoying reading people's stories.

May the force be with you.

M xx


  • vtleo82
    vtleo82 Posts: 5
    I can certainly feel for you. Seems to be a major and very common issue for women just like you and I. The worst is when it catches you off guard and creeps up on you out of nowhere. Stress and emotional eating was my weakness. Didn't help that I also suffered with chronic back pain which hindered me physically! Well I am happy to say I underwent laser spine surgery not once but twice in January and February of this year. After my surgeries I was determined to find a healthy new lifestyle that would not only help me loose weight but curb my appetite. Well I discovered it and couldn't be happier with the improvements its made in my life in just a short period of time. Loved it so much that I decided to become a coach to help people just like myself find satisfaction and improved health. Just want to share the love and help others achieve success too! I'd love to help you if you care to hear more! Your success is my success!
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Don't you just hate it! You are walking around, being all happy and married, then BOOM, wth did all that weight come from?? It happened to me to. Married 2 years and up 50 lbs. crap. Now, we are starting to talk about a family. I don't wanna be fat AND pregnant. Plus I want to be as healthy as possible going into a family.
    Feel free to add me. I started my journey about 2 months ago. I am over 70 days logging (even when I had pneumonia!) and down 12 lbs. I work with a trainer 2 times a week and try to exercise 2-3 times a week on my own.
  • WorkingJedi
    WorkingJedi Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Guys for your support and well done to both of you. :) Marie