In need of encouragement

I have recently started my new way of life. I have gained weigh and lost weight for many years. Medical scare....scared me! Since changing my diet and exercising I have lost almost 30 pounds since march 1, 2014. I am curious if my tummy (problem area) will EVER get or seem smaller. I am feeling a bit discouraged right now. :frown:


  • Labrydog
    Labrydog Posts: 4 Member
    Well done so far! I'm actually just trying to find this out too, I'm looking at - it seems as if fibre makes a difference to the stomach (Each 10g fibre eaten daily reduces belly fat held by 4%) not too sure of the exact details on this but seeing as my problem area is my tummy at the moment and I'm not quite hitting my macros of 25 fibre per day there could be something in it!!!

    But it will take time whatever the solution is, but you have come so far already, don't feel down!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    I think the only thing consistent about weigh loss is the inconsistency! I have found that my lowest reduction area as well has been my stomach, for what ever reason (maybe, on me, that's where there is the most fat) it seems to reduce the slowest. If you take measurements occasionally you might see the change that you don't see by looking in the mirror each day, I have shrunk inches there but it's not always noticeable to me.
  • r2b89
    r2b89 Posts: 1
    You have achieved a good amount of weight loss. You should be proud. I to have had a little health scare recently so also trying to lose weight, Stick with it and it should all go naturally. Wish you all the best.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Don't be discouraged... 30 pounds is amazing! The tummy is always the last to go. :) Keep it up!
  • lisiloulah
    lisiloulah Posts: 125 Member
    I've lost 44 lb and still when I look in the mirror I can't really see it - because I look most days if not everyday and you don't spot small regular changes that way! Logically I know I've lost weight in that area (I'm down two trousers sizes!) but seeing it in the mirror is difficult! Find a picture of yourself from before the weight loss and compare it one you take today, you'll be able to see it better as a comparison!

    Good luck with the rest of your weight loss!

    Lisa x
  • anngroschup
    anngroschup Posts: 11 Member
    Your tummy and thighs are usually the last place you lose weight :( Your arms, face and chest go first. You'll get there, it just takes time. Once you're at your goal weight, your belly should be down. Of course, you want to be doing lots of ab exercises and cardio to burn off the fat. There will be days it's a little puffy from retaining water, needing to potty, having gas or splurging the night before but once you get all of the weight off that you're aiming for, you will a significant difference! Add me as a friend and I'll post a pic i have of 3 stages of losing my weight that shows how my belly progressed!
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    Don't worry. If you are continuing to eat healthy and working out like you have been to lose the 30 lbs eventually your trouble areas will go down. Unfortunately there is no way to target reduce or spot reduce or whatever it is called. You can strength muscles in your stomach but that will not guarantee you will see abs or a huge difference just because of the ab work. You have to keep converting fat in your body to muscle until you get somewhere you are happy to be at and that takes time, proper diet, and determination.

    I guess there are medical ways to spot reduce like lypo-suction or something but yeah that is a whole different thing outside of just losing weight and being healthy.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Don't be discouraged... 30 pounds is amazing! The tummy is always the last to go. :) Keep it up!

    This. And congratulations on your success so far. I am glad your health scare was only a scare.
  • CRC431
    CRC431 Posts: 2
    Great job!! Keep up the good work and please don't be discouraged - you are not alone. In Sept. I started to see a Nutritionist and have lost 10-15 pounds - fluctuates alot... The nutritionist takes weight and waist measurement every 6 weeks. In spite of weight loss I have lost nothing at my waist. When I questioned this, she told me this is very normal. For whatever reasons the waist is the last they see reduce. She told me I am doing well at maintaining and improving my eating habits, so even though the weight has been minimal and I have about 40 more to go, she is happy and very supportive. Find people who give you positive energy and keep them close!! Stay well.