Help! Question about extra calories from exercising...

Ok I walk briskly for 60 minutes everyday and log it, so when I track my food MFP says I have 362 extra calories from exercise. So my question is, do I need to be eating these lost calories or is that only for weight maintenance?? I just need to know because I don't want to be consuming less calories than I need but I also don't want to be consuming more than I need because I worked those off... So it's confusing as to whether or not I actually need to eat those calories??? Can someone help please!?!


  • SophieJade
    I don't know if I am doing it right, but much of the time I eat at least part of my exercise calories, if not all of them. Some days I leave them... I usually judge by how hungry I am that day.
  • yodacho
    yodacho Posts: 90 Member
    I'm sending a message - I'm too long winded!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The way that MFP is set up, they want you to eat your exercise calories. A calorie deficit is already calculated to figure out your daily calorie goal, so you should eat at least some of your exercise cals. If your goal is about 1200 per day, you need to eat them so that you don't get too few cals. If your goal is higher you don't need to eat them all if you don't want to.
  • Nicole114
    Thank you everyone! My calorie goal is 1200 and I always have 362 extra calories from exercise. I haven't been eating all of my extra calories because I wasn't sure if i was supposed to or not... But I've only been doing this for less than a week so hopefully no harm done. I will be eating my extra calories from now on!! Thanks again all! :)
  • raeklee23
    I think you can eat the extra calories. Myfitnesspal puts them back on remaining calories for the day after to log your exercise. I think the program is set up to be easy and if I had to keep doing math to figure out how many to subtract, I would go crazy. Calorie counting is frustrating enough. However, I usually dont end up eating them.